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"Hi Amanda"

"Oliver long time no see, it's been two years if I remember correctly, I never thought you still alive after everything that happen" Said Amanda said with a grin

"Enough of your crap Waller I know you keep tabs on me, let cut to the chase, the reason I'm here because you own me something so I want something from you in return"

"And what do you want?"

"A room that will houses all my equipment  and also have computers there and only I have the access to that room. I'm pretty sure you have it since this place must be one of the ARGUS facility" said Oliver and Amanda is reconsidering what Oliver want

"why do you need that, to continue your crusade as the kapiushon?" Said Amanda with a smirk

"Ha ha very funny Amanda, so do you give it or not?" Demand Oliver

"Manner Mr.Queen, how about this, I give you what you want and not only that but also I will supply everything you need. Is it a deal?" Ask Waller

"Deal" Oliver said without thinking twice, he know that Amanda will demand him to do a dirty work but he doesn't really care about that

"Good then get the hell out of my office, I got something to do right now, I will inform what you should do later" Order Amanda and with that Oliver leave the room


Kara is in a bad mood right now, people around her are gossiping about her and Oliver or her and Mon El which she doesn't like, because it make her look like a slut or someone who seeking for attention which she is not, Oliver is Kara childhood friend, he is like brother to Kara so no wonder Kara hang out with him but people doesn't know that, while Mon El is the one who always approach Kara not the vice versa, she is so not in the mood that she go to the canteen because for Kara food is  the only cure for bad mood

While she is eating alone suddenly someone sit infront of her, it was Mon El which annoys Kara even more because the Canteen is gossiping her again

"Arghh what do you want?!" Said Kara annoyed

"Hey don't get mad okay, I thought you want company after Oliver leave you alone" Tease Mon El

"Come on, not you too" Said Kara annoyed

"What? A lot of people say that you are the reason why Laurel break up with Oliver you know, you being with Oliver is the Reason Laurel is mad at Oliver right?"

"Where do you heard that? No no no, Laurel mad at Oliver because of other reason not me, Oliver is like a brother to me and Laurel know that. Why would Laurel would be mad at me" State Kara

"Ooh really? I thought you're one of those many girls that Oliver usually play with, after all he is a playboy"

"Really you just gonna believe eveything you just heard from stranger or maybe you are the who start that stupid gossip"

"No, for what reason should I start a gossip?" Deny Mon El

"I don't know maybe to get attention from other people"

"Hey Why I try to seek attention I mean I'm already famous"

"I'm AlReAdY FaMOuS" Kara mocking what Mon El just said

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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