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It's been a week they are in Metropolis University for Barry and Friends and they all get along pretty well they usually hang out at the boys room talking about stuff, playing and do their assignment together, after all of them are in the same class. Even though Barry and Kara get along with their friend really well, they didn't tell their friend about their power, even Winn doesn't know that Kara is an alien while only Iris know that Barry is a metahuman and not only that, Kara have a feeling that someone is following her for a week and she still doesn't know who follow her and she is tired of it and want to stop the person that stalking her while Cisco, Winn and Ray have finish building the cold gun and right now they try to build a heat gun.

Right now all of them are in class and the teacher is assigning them to do a presentation using powerpoint

"Since we have studied for a week, I think it's time for your assignment, I want you all to do a presentation using a power point and you do the assignment in a group, one group can only consist of two people max 3 people and thats all for today and I will be the one to do the grouping" The teacher said and with that he group of all the student "that's all for today, class dismish" the teacher said and with that he leave the classroom.

Winn, Ray and Cisco is in a same group, while Felicity with John Diggle, Iris with Eddie Thawne, and Barry with Kara.

"So you Felicity huh, it nice to meet you Felicity" John said while pull out his hand, when the teacher annouce that he and Felicity gonna be assignment partner he quickly approach Felicity and Felicity gladly gladly shook his hand

"nice to meet you too John wan to do the assignment at canteen?"

"sure" said John

While John approaching Felicity, Eddie also approach Iris

"So you the lucky girl huh?" Eddie said while winking at Iris

"please stop whatever it is you doing right now" Iris said, feeling disgust at Eddie behaviour

"Don't be like that,want to do the assignment at a cafe?" Eddie ask while giving a smile which creep Iris

"ohh I'm gonna regret this" Iris said rolling her eyes and with that both of them head toward a cafe while Kara just laugh at Iris but suddenly Barry approach her

"partner huh, want to do the assignment at the canteen?" Barry ask

"sure" Kara said with a smile

"you can wait for me at the canteen, I'll be going to my dorm to get the laptop" Barry said

"yeah yeah I'll be waiting at the canteen, I'll be waiting" Kara said and with that she head toward the canteen while Barry head toward his dorm to grab his laptop

While Kara heading toward the canteen, she feel that she is being follow again, but to make sure she headed toward a less crowded aisle and she still feel that this person still following her so she slower her pace and when the person is near her, she quickly turn her body around and grab the person by the collar, and the person is shock and then the person just smile awkwardly at Kara

"Hi..." laugh the person awkwardly

Right now Kara sit at the Canteen with the stalker infront of her, she observe the person, he is guy, muscular, at the same age as she was. but the thing is that Kara never met this guy, he not even in the same class as she was but he keep following her since the beginning of the college, she noticed someone is following her but usually when she turn around, the person is gone and now she able the catch the stalker that been following her for a week and she is curious, why would the stalker follow her and its time to find out why

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