Chapter 12 - Bound

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"James Potter, if you come any closer to me, I promise you I will hex you so hard you'll still be in pain next week," I pointed my finger at him, glaring. 

"Lily, I-"he took a step forward. 

So I put all my energy into the hex I sent spinning his way. Hmmm, maybe the week after that. 

~Two weeks ago~

"Lily, I'm sorry, I really am. Please let me in," Potter begged from the other side of the portraits. 

I hadn't told him the changed passwords, so in the thirteen hours since he'd woken in the Infirmary, he hadn't been allowed back into our rooms. For the first few hours, hearing his voice had sent me to tears again. For the second bunch, the only thing that had stopped me from trashing his room had been that I already had. And for the last couple of hours, I stood behind the door, seething, as though I could burn lasers through his skull behind the portraits. 

In those thirteen hours I hadn't said a word to him apart from the first time I'd told him to bugger off. He hadn't. 

The fact that he was begging now was probably because it had also been thirteen hours since he'd used the toilet. 

Which got us to halfway through the thirteenth hour. I had my head pressed against the wall as I listened to him beg. I closed my eyes. 

"Please, Lily," he sounded like he was crying. "Please." 

"No," I whispered, my own tears welling up again, "I can't. Just leave me be." 

"Okay," somehow he heard me. "But just know that I really am sorry, Lily. I'm so sorry." 

I didn't hear him leave but he never said another word as I curled up in another ball at the door. 

The next day, however, I felt differently. There was no need for me to cry, or to be upset. This was Potter, of course he would do something like that. I opened the door to find Potter curled up at the very edge. Raising my eyebrow, I stepped over him. 

Turning to the portraits, I apologised. "I apologise for mixing you up in this but would you change the password back to what it used to be, please? Thank you." 

With that I walked away, resolving never to talk to Potter unless it interfered with my duties as Head Girl. 


Crossing one leg over the other, I waited for Professor Dumbledore to say something. After hexing Potter, we had both been called here. Potter sat beside me with welts popping all over his face...and other delicate places. 

And I didn't feel the least bit sorry. 

"Miss Evans. Mr Potter," he looked at us over the rim of his glasses. "Your antics have gone on for long enough. Hexing other students is forbidden, especially since you are Head Girl, Miss Evans. And stalking other students until they hex you is foolish, especially since you are Head Boy, Mr Potter. 

"You both must learn to get along, therefore that shall be your punishment," with a wave of his hand, a string of white light looped itself around our wrists, binding us like handcuffs. "Until you can learn to be nice to each other, it will not disappear. You will have two hours each day where it disappears. In that time, I suggest that you spend it in the bathroom for showering and toilet breaks - unless you plan on doing that together. It will also disappear for the classes you share, but the moment you step out of them, it will draw you back together. Otherwise, you will remain together." 

My jaw had dropped the moment the light manacles had appeared and now I was in danger of feasting on flies. There were no words. 

Dumbledore levelled his gaze upon the both of us. "I must impress the severity of your situation on you. This magic can not be undone by anyone but me and unless you learn to get along before the school year is up, you will have to spend the rest of your lives together."

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