Chapter 6 - Dramatic Exit

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I twiddled my quill between my fingers. What was it Professor Slughorn had said last week? Do you add an Ashwinder egg first or is it Occamy eggshell? No, Ashwinder. It was definitely Ashwinder. 

I sat in my usual seat in the Potions classroom next to a sleeping Marlene as we waited for the dolt to show up. This may have only been our second class with him but it was beginning to look like some of my classmates were forgetting or getting confused over simple and the most basic of potions. We had had no indication of when Professor Slughorn would be returning but I wasn't going to sit back and learnt six years of hard work go down the drain just because the temporary teacher wouldn't know a bezoar if it poked him in the arse. Of course, I had high hopes that the dolt wouldn't even show up (courtesy of the Marauders) but if he did, I was prepared to actually learn something - even if I had to teach myself. 

The seat on my other side grated against the stone floor. I glanced at the person who plumped himself down next to me and the corners of my mouth turned down as I frowned at Potter. "What do you want, Potter?" 

"Don't looks so down, Lilyflower!" he twirled a lock of my hair between his fingers, before I batted his hand away. 

I opened my mouth to provide some scathing retort but the door behind us slammed open and the illiterate 'professor' had the audacity to glare at us. "There isn't much of the lesson left now, so I want you to open your books and continue on with the work you were doing yesterday." 

My top lip curled into a sneer as I glared at him over the heads of my fellow students. Out the corner of my mouth, I growled softly. "Why is he still here, Potter?" 

Potter threw his arm over the back of my chair and smiled at the imbecilic dullard as he preened at the front of the class. There was appraisal in his eyes. "He's a lot tougher than he looks, I'll give him that but just be patient, Evans."

I glanced at him but he simply pushed his finger against my jaw softly to turn my head back to the front. My brows creased as I looked at the moron closely. I inhaled sharply at what I saw. It was obvious, he'd tried to get rid of it but I knew from personal experience, getting rid of the product of one of their pranks is impossible. The asshat was wearing a long-sleeved shirt but at his wrists, you could see glittering neon-green, red and yellow unicorns prancing back-and-forth and as he brushed his forehead unconsciously, you could see the tips of his hair as they peeked beneath his hat looking like a rainbow had used him as toilet paper. 

The halfwit tugged at his sleeves self-consciously but it only drew more attention to them. Muffled snickers rung through the room as more and more people noticed. He rubbed at his wrists furiously and glared at everyone, specifically me. Why he glared at me, I could only guess but it might have had something to do with the fact that I was smirking at his discomfit. 

Before he could open his mouth to do something stupid, like blame me, Black raised his hand. In my periphery, I saw Potter grin, Peter laugh into his elbow, and Remus try to wipe away his smile. Potter leaned closer to me. "Patience is a virtue, my love." 

Excitement thrilled me so much that I ignored Potter's added comment. 

"Professor?" Black asked innocently, his eyes wide and almost concerned. "What are the properties of Unicorn's blood?" 

At 'unicorn', the creatures leaped from the buffoon's skin and into the air. Since most had been covered up, we hadn't been able to see the multitude of glittering unicorns but the amount clopping through the air of our Potions classroom was enormous. They ran a few laps around the classroom until, one by one, they threw themselves back at the twit. He let out a squeal that would have made a pig jealous and threw up his hands to protect himself against almost 2D unicorns of paint. One by one, the magnificent creatures of glittering neon-green paint splattered themselves against him. To say that he became a traffic light was an understatement. 

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