Chapter 9 - Roses

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If there was anything worse than waking up earlier in the morning than you had wanted, it was being woken.

"Evans! Wake up," Potter whispered whilst shaking my shoulders not so gently.

I rolled over so that my back was facing him. "Interrupt my sleep, Potter, and I interrupt your breathing. You weren't interrupting my sleep, were you, Potter?"

"Sorry, Lilyflower, but it's Friday and class starts in half an hour; we have Potions first," I could hear the grin in his voice.

Damn, I thought it was Saturday - WAIT! "Did you just say we have half an hour until class starts?!"

I threw myself out of bed with energy I did not have a minute ago.

"There's my Lilykins. I was thinking I'd have to resort to different methods of getting you out of bed," he winked at me before skipping out the door.

Huffing to myself, I got ready in a spurt of vigour before slamming to a halt, fury bubbling away.

It was Saturday.

That little turd! How dare he wake me this early! The birds aren't even awake yet!

Storming towards the Common Room, I smashed through my door, preparing to let it rip when I found it empty of idiots.

I glanced around, expecting him to pop up from behind a couch. Noticing that I was once again alone, I slid a bookmark into my anger for a later date.

Flopping down onto the couch, I let my eyes slip into the coma they were craving but as I did, a flash of colour had them snapping open.

Arranged together, a bunch of purple, red and white roses stood in the middle of the coffee table.

They weren't there before. I glanced around. Nope, I'm definitely alone.

Standing in a glimmering diamond case, the carmine, boysenberry and ivory roses swayed gently as a non-existent breeze caressed the velvet petals. Dawn light chose that moment to filter through the window. It danced with every shadow as it bounced off the patterned glass, and the marigold lustre played with the revered roses.

My breath caught as I leaned forward, my hand stretching the distance.

"Beautiful," I whispered.

My fingers grazed the rose closest to me, tingling at how delicate it felt.

With the gentlest of touches, a white rose fell to the front; a note hang from the stem.

Flipping it over, I read the looping script:

Sorry for waking you up, Evans. Forgive me?
Yours forever,

Did he wake me up to give me a bunch of flowers to apologise for waking me up? "Idiot," I shook my head with a soft inflection in my voice.

I laughed gently as I let the note rest back against the stem.

"What are you planning, Potter?" I mumbled, my eyes growing heavy with every blink.

Tucking my legs up beside me, I rested my head on the arm rest and closed my eyes.

As I drifted back to sleep, a voice whispered through my sleep-hazed mind, "You saw right through me, Evans. You always do." I felt something warm and soft being tucked around me. "I plan to prove how much I love you."


Ow. Ow. Ow. Note to self: when tired, go back to bed.

I sat up, a blanket falling into my lap and stretched, wincing at the tight spots on my neck and shoulders.

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