Chapter 5 - Professor Dumbledore

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"Lemon Ice," I smiled sweetly at the gargoyle in front of me as it twisted upwards slowly and I stepped onto the first stair for it to take me up to Professor Dumbledore's office. 

I knocked softly on his door and waited briefly for him to call me inside. He sat behind his desk stroking Fawkes' head and he watched me levelly as I came to a stop just short of his desk. 

He lifted his resting hand and waved it at a clear bowl full of black, swirling treats. "Licorice Snap?"  

I shook my head gently and worry became a ballerina in my stomach as I awaited whatever punishment befell troublemakers. Surely he wouldn't put me into detention with Potter and Black - I wasn't that bad! 

I gnawed at the inside of my cheek as the silence stretched out before Dumbledore grinned. 

"I see you're branching out a bit, Lily," his grin was infectious and I found a small smile playing at the edges of my lips. "I'm glad to see that you didn't sit back and let a fool tell you what to do." 

"Professor?" Wait, was I not in trouble? 

"The temporary teacher that was taking your Potions lesson. I'm glad to see that you let him see the half-force of Lily Potter's - I mean Evans' - rage when it comes to education. I was getting a bit worried; you haven't hexed Mr Potter or Mr Black at all this year and I was beginning to think that your fire had gone out. Or have you finally realised that you are Mr Potter are meant to be together?" he said it so calmly that I almost didn't hear what he'd said. 

"What?" I spluttered. "Potter and I are not meant to be together." 

"Of course, whatever helps you sleep at night," he nodded and steepled his fingers beneath his chin. "But on other important matters, Professor Slughorn will be away for the rest of this week so you will need to put up with his replacement for a few more days." 

I remembered the buffoon that thought the world of himself back in the Potions classroom and tried to keep my ranting to a minimum. "But, Professor! Why him? He knows nothing! I would rather have some random off the street than him! This is our last year and we have our N.E.W.T.s to study for! How can we study for them when he knows less than a First Year on their first day!" 

"One week isn't going to harm your studies all that much and by what Professor Slughorn has been saying, you know most of what he's already teaching you. Besides, you don't have to worry about your N.E.W.T.s just yet; it's three weeks into the school year so you can relax," he popped a Licorice Snap into his mouth. 

"Sir! That's not the only problem, if he's taking our class, then he'll also be taking Professor Slughorn's other classes as well! That's the First Years! He'll be filling their heads with nonsense and lies that will forever ruin their education! No offence, Professor, but what in Merlin's name made you choose him!" I sucked in a huge breath and was about to continue when he held up a hand to stop me in my tracks. 

"Miss Evans, it was not my decision to hire him, it was the Ministry's. They heard about my temporary lack of a Potions teacher and so sent their best over to help me. Now, I understand that you do not like Professor Slughorn's temporary," he put a specific emphasis on the word and raised his eyebrows at the word before continuing as normal. "Replacement but that does not mean he deserves these complaints." 

I frowned, what was he getting at? 

"For the rest of his time here, I expect you to remain civil around him. Am I understood, Miss Evans?" he watched me carefully. 

I nodded hesitantly. No, I don't understand. First you were telling me that you liked how I went off at him and now you're telling me it was wrong? What are you getting at? 

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