Chapter 13 - Close Quarters

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"Get this thing off me," I growled, glaring at the white light looped around our wrists.

"I'm trying, Lily," Remus sighed. "This is Dumbledore's work I'm trying to undo, you know."

The anger drained from me and I ran my free hand over my face. "I'm sorry. Today's just been a long day."

"For all of us," Sirius yawned, his head in Marlene's lap. "Did you have to wake all of us up?"

"That was Potter's fault. Not mine." I hadn't looked at him since I'd hexed him, and I certainly wasn't planning on it any time soon.

I sighed. Not that that's going to solve the problem. Coming to Remus was a half-hearted plan anyway.

Remus muttered something under his breath, pointing his wand at the light but nothing happened.

He straightened from his crouched position with another sigh. "Sorry, that was the last thing I'd had in mind."

I smiled softly, "It's okay. Thanks for trying."

I stood up, and by the pulling of the cord, I could feel Potter do the same.

Suddenly, the light manacles flashed and I lurched backward, falling back to the ground. When the brightness dimmed back to normal, the once metre-long gap between us had shrunk to nothing. Our wrists were brushing against each other, and no matter how I tugged, I couldn't move an inch away.

Sirius barked out a laugh before slapping his hand over his mouth. "It seems like trying to mess with it, only shortened the gap between you to. I wonder if it took out anything else."

"Maybe you'll have to shower together now!" Marlene waggled her eyebrows and I glared at her.

It's a good thing I showered earlier.

Standing up, I almost fell back over, still not used to having to manoeuvre around someone else. Potter caught me, before I so much as wobbled but let go like he was burned.

I scowled to mask the twinge in my heart. "Well, thanks for your help, Remus, but I have an essay to write."

He gave me a tired smile. "Sorry I couldn't do anything to help."

"It's okay, Moony. It was a half-hearted idea, anyway," Potter replies softly.

Somehow, as we turned to leave, Potter and I managed not to fall over each other, and even accomplished walking out the door without any injuries - besides my pride and dignity that is.

Once we were back in our Common Room, we noticed a few changes. For one, there was only one door leading out where there used to be two, and everything was arranged for a pair handcuffed for eternity. Lucky us.

We headed for the door by unanimous vote and at the threshold, I tentatively turned the handle.

What was inside made me want to crawl into a hole and die.

The room had not changed much in size from what our separate rooms had been but in the centre was a king size bed. The bed itself was beautiful - draped around the frame were red and gold curtains tied back to each of the four posts; pillows piled high around the headboard (perfect for snuggling with a good book); and the most comfortable and warm looking doona folded over the mattress.

However, what it represented was not beautiful in anyway shape or form; I now had to sleep next to Potter for forever and a half.

"Evans-" Potter cut himself off.

I glanced away. "What?"

"I'm- I'm sorry, Evans," I could hear the dejection in his voice and against my better judgement I glanced at him out the corner of my eye.

His shoulders were slumped and his head was turned away from me.

My free hand lifted of its own accord to comfort him but I clenched it into a fist. No! He hurt me.

A little voice in my head whispered, He didn't want to - it wasn't his fault that he was dosed with a love spell.

No, but it reminded me that even if I did want to be with Potter, I'll only end up getting hurt. I can't give him the opportunity to hurt me like everyone else has.

I cleared my throat. "Well, it's four in the morning, why don't we get a bit of sleep before class in a few hours?"

I saw him wipe his eyes out the corner of my eye and averted my eyes quickly - guilt gnawing at my stomach.

"Right," his voice was soft and laced with sadness. "Well, it might make it a little awkward to sleep but I'll move the couch closer so we don't pull too much on the...handcuffs."

"Ah...right. I'll give you a hand then," I took a step towards the double-seater in the corner but he waved his free hand to stop me.

"No, I've got it," with a wave of his wand, he levitated the couch to beside the bed, along with a pillow and set of sheets. "You'll just have to sleep on the left side of the bed for this to work."


Together, we stumbled to bed/couch, and climbed under the covers, complete in our clothes because changing into pyjamas would involve undressing in front of each other and it was way too early in the morning to even contemplate that - not to mention the fire on my cheeks.

Reaching over to the lamp on the beside table, I nearly fell into Potter's lap before flicking the lights off and retreating to my warm sanctuary - all bar my left hand which dangled out from underneath the covers.

Lying in the silence, I stared up at the ceiling - my cheeks a roast dinner - before it became too much.

"Oh, just get in," I gave in. "Neither of us will get any sleep like this, so just come up here."

"Are you sure?" his voice, thick with something I couldn't - and didn't want - to place, whispered through the darkness.

"Yes, now hurry up," I gritted my teeth before continuing in my head, before I lose my nerve.

Standing up, he slid into bed as I wiggled over to make room.

Even though I couldn't see him, I could feel him looking at me, and the distance between us felt charged.

Fluffing out my pillow to distract myself, I then curled into a ball, closed my eyes and tried to think dark.

"Goodnight," he whispered before rolling onto his back.

"Goodnight," I whispered back.

As I lay on my side facing him, our arms involuntarily reaching for each other, I knew for absolute certain I wasn't going to get an ounce of sleep.

I'm screwed. So screwed.

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