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My English is not really good so please if a have a mistake tell it to me so I will correct it.

It was a cold day of autumn in the city of love, everyone doing their responsibilities, their daily life. In one of the most famous hotels, in a special room, a young blond girl wakes up, really grumpy, more than usual, cursing everything until she finds her cellphone.
-What time is it?
Turns on the screen, 6:40, too early for her taste but like every diva, she needs time for preparing herself and be the most beautiful of the place....no.....of the world. Gets up with difficulty, feeling how her body misses the comfort of her soft bed. She approaches her closet and searches the clothes of always, the classic clothes of Chloe Bourgeois.
In a few minutes she was dressed, sitting in front of a mirror, applying makeup, obviously it was the usual.
She took her time in every detail for looking perfect, just like a queen.
Everything was ready, and she had some extra time, she usually goes to school at 7:40.
She sits on a sofa and stars to take a look in social medias.
Hey guys! Here ( put a x name) with a new outfit for this autumn!
-The skirt is horrible.
Says the blond girl criticizing the outfit that she found in Instagram.
-Disgusting, horrifying, unpleasant! There is nothing good about fashion!
She was going to throw her cellphone when an idea cross in her mind, what would happen if she, Chloe Bourgeois, creates an account in Instagram?
Quickly she stars to fill the requirements for having an account, but the problem was.....What would be her username?
She would solve it later, now she has to go to the school.
She climbed into her limousine that was waiting for her at the entrance of the hotel. When she was in, she didn't say nothing, she only took out her phone and kept looking for an username.
Arrives at school and as usual, Sabrina is waiting for her. She looked more like her maid than her friend, and that can be looked now, the orangehead opens the door to the blond that gets out like a queen, but everybody ignores her arriving but as always, she pretends to be loved.
-Sabrina, take care of my bag.
-Yes Chloe.
Gives her bag to Sabrina, the limousine moves away and she gets in. She was really distracted because of the username, really distracted that she didn't annoyed anyone, not even with the look and many people noticed it, cause Chloe doesn't enter to the classroom without bullying somebody.
-Today Chloe is strange don't you think?
-Yes, we walked next to her and she didn't notice us.
-Even so it is Chloe, the peroxide witch.
-You're right Marinette.
Ignores completely to her classmates and sits on her usual place, still thinking, but nothing came to her head.
The classmates we're in the classroom, how didn't she notice the presence of everyone l?! She was reallyyyyy distracted, she didn't kiss Adrian on his cheek as usual and that was abnormal!!!!
-Ok guys, today we are going to do something different.
The students look between them, some confused or exited for the activity they are going to do.
-We are going to talk about various themes that present really much in adolescence. Bullying and Cyberbulling. Does someone knows what they are?
They already know what they're, but some were really shy or were bored.
When Marinette and Alya we're going to answer, a blonde girl asked permission for talking. Everyone we're a little bit surprised cause they thought that Chloe didn't know anything or she was bored, but today it was different.
-Chloe? Ok, tell us what they are.
-Cyberbulling is when a person is annoyed via the internet, like embarrassing photos or information. Bullying is when a student is annoyed physical or verbally in school by other students. These two can make the affected person take a decision....suicide.
-Good definitions Chloe. Someone wants to add something?
Nobody talked, they were surprised because of the blonde girl.
It was the break and the students got out of their classrooms for enjoying liberty. Chloe sat without saying a word and started to write names in her notebook, looking for a cool username.
After searching, she gave up frustrated, but looking at a white page, gave her temptation. She started to trace the head, soon she passed to the shoulders, then female curves appeared, very striking, followed by hips that would catch any boy.
She continued drawing that perfect female silhouette, until finishing, the body of a woman, a perfect woman.
-I didn't know you draw so good.
She screams scared when she hears masculine voice, but then she realizes that it is Adrien, his platonic love the one who talked and now is next to her.
-The drawing is really good, maybe you could teach me one day.
-Obviously yes Adrinkis!
-Perfect. It seems to you today at four of the afternoon?
-Of course! I always have time for you!
-Thanks Chloe!
In the distance, Marinette was furious, meanwhile Alya was just confused and a little bit annoyed because of the attitude that had Adrien with Chloe.
-What were you doing with Adrien peroxide blonde!?
-I do what I want whit who I want, that includes Adrien.
-You don't have the right! You only take advantage of everyone even your dad!
-Don't include my daddy in this!
-Oh the princess is mad?
-I'm a queen in comparison to you, just look at yourself, you have a horrible taste of fashion.
-You already believe you're the queen?
-I don't believe.....I AM the queen of Paris.
That was just perfect! Chloe Bourgeois queen of Paris! That was awesome, who would say that Marinette will help her with the name?
-Get away from Adrien!
-Or else what?
She didn't had words for answering meanwhile the blonde smiled arrogantly and enters to the classroom, there she will have peace.
Already seated, she gets out her cellphone and completes the requirements and finally writes the name.
Welcome to Instagram Chloe
She had it, and know she will show what truly fashion was, she will show her taste in fashion, her beauty, her perfection, oh she will really do it.
Chloe Bourgeois Queen of Paris

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