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If I have mistakes please tell me so I can correct them.
People of Paris!
His heart beats faster
I, homme justice!
The drops of sweat slid down his forehead
I will bring justice
The akuma will not bring justice, only misfortune
To this city
He will bring justice to this city
That suffers because of the rich people
That was a lie! He doesn't make suffer the people
That trample all of us
He risked his life for them
The ones who feed their wallets
Each one chose in what to spend, they aren't forced by rich people to buy
Chloé Bourgeois has gone to far
His mind collapsed, and the fear to lose her invade him. She was the only one who connects him with his childhood, with his mother, he will not allow Hawk Moth take away the most beautiful thing in his life.
Each word was 30 meters less, each second was a beat of his heart, each flicker was energy, each sight was exhausting.
He released her.
Chloé Bourgeois stars to fall in an alarming speed. The cat hero was afraid, he screams because he didn't arrive in time but he still has hope, he can still save her.
He gives a jump of faith, one real, one full of hope that highlights in his green eyes.
He was clinging to save her, to see her open her blue eyes again.
The shouts of the blonde girl stopped but the tears continued to fall.
She looked beautiful even before to death, but he couldn't admire her, he has to save her.
He was close, close to hear her voice, to see her smile, to have her company. Everything was so slow, why he couldn't just catch her and end with this?! The world wanted to torture him?! See her fall?! See her dying?! He wouldn't allow it. With decision in his eyes, he swears that thanks to his determination, he goes faster than Chloé and then saves her! He trapped her! She was in her arms! She would live! With his stick, he balanced until he lands in one of the closest roofs. He knelt and put over his knees the blonde girl.  He was worried, she didn't open her eyes.
Asks alarmed because the female didn't wake up.
Screams with fear to lose her.
He stars to shake her, trying to wake her up, and she opens her eyes, beautiful and blue eyes that he ignored for too much time.
She wasn't reacting, only seeing, like she was lost in his eyes, his cat eyes.
With a last shake, she woke up from the trance and hugs the surprised hero who in some seconds, also hugs her.  The daughter of the mayor cries while she repeated thank you infinite times, that surprises Chat noir, and in some seconds he takes her and lands smoothly in front of the mayor and cops. He thought that Chloé will run to his father but he didn't believe what he was seeing, she was still with him.  Looking that she wouldn't let him go, whispers sweetly in her ear.
-Everything is fine Chloé, you're now safe.
-Don't let me go, please.
Was he dreaming? Chloé said please?!
Repeats hiding her face in the chest of Chat noir who strongly hugs her.
-You will never be alone Chloé, I will take care of you from de shadows.
He didn't know why he say that, but something was true, he wouldn't lose her.
When their looks find each other, he was shocked by the shiny beauty of those eyes.
-Je vous protégerai tous jours.(*)
-Merci Chat noir.(*)
They separate, both with a weird sensation that tells them I miss your warmth but the cat hero of Paris has to trap an akuma.
-Au revoir!(*)
He says goodbye with a flirtatious smile, seeing the blonde girl that looks at him. With the help of his metallic stick, he rises and follows the akuma.
The cat of Paris has saved his queen
Chloé Bourgeois queen of Paris

(*) I will protect you every day
(*) Thanks Chat noir
(*) Goodbye

⚜️Chloe Bourgeois queen of Paris⚜️ [Adriloé] [Chatloe]Where stories live. Discover now