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Please if I have mistakes please tell me so I can correct them.
The blonde guy with emerald eyes waits in the entrance the arriving of her childhood friend, but she didn't arrive, and he was skipping class waiting for her, just for seeing her. He was worried, after remembering the fragile state that he leaved her, his head was hurting, he even transformed and tried to see her, but there was a bodyguard that didn't allow him to enter. Furious, he returned to his mansion and went back to normal, giving a frustrate sight.
-Why are you so stressed?
-I'm not in the mood Plagg.
-You're never in mood Adrien.
-Just shut up, I will try to sleep.
The kwami noticed that the blonde girl really affected his carrier ( carrier=portador ?) who throws himself in the bed and tries to get some sleep, but the watery blue eyes were arriving to his head every time he closes his eyes. He made a promise and he wouldn't break it, he would take of her from the shadows.
Getting back to reality, with hope that the voice he heard, was from Chloé, turns his head with a smile and finds Marinette. Immediately he gets sad, and the girl with pigtails noticed it, asking herself if she did something bad.
-Good morning Marinette.
-H-hey A-Adrien.
Why she stutters? Does she hate him? Each time he talks with her, she acts weird and evites his look. He looks directly at Marinette's eyes, blue, blue like those of her lady.....her lady that didn't appear in the night, he was a little bit upset. He tries to imagine that the baker girl was Chloé, but for more effort he puts, he didn't achieve it, those blue eyes like sky don't compare with the blue eyes like a deep ocean, so brilliants and penetrating.
-Ah yes?
-T-the b-b-b-bell r-rang.
-I know.
Ashamed, the girl looks at the ground with a blush oh her cheeks, screaming internally to herself SAY SOMETHING MARINETTE!
-S-should we c-c-come in?
-No, i will stay, you can go.
-I d-d-don't want to be too nosy b-b-b-but who a-a-are you waiting f-for?
Fury, that is what she was feeling, why is Adrien waiting for Chloé?! She growls upset and its hear by the blonde guy.
-Eh Marinette?
-A yes?
She blushes really really too much, waiting the words of her platonic love, she has hope.
-Can you tell to the teacher that I'm here?
Her hope was destroyed.
She goes with sadness looking her feet, trying to not cry, Chloé played really well her letters, but what was what she did for making Adrien to skip classes?
Chloe Bourgeois queen of Paris

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