Chapter 6-Lap dancing for the alien with 1D

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April’s POV

I have been tied up and left on the ground of the tour bus for half an hour and counting. They have been talking about how Kiki is Australian and that she wishes she could drink in America like how she can drink in Australia since the drinking age over there is eighteen.

It’s like I am a ghost and they never kidnaped me….wait is it kidnaping if the parents allow it to happen. Okay now my head hurt from thinking.

“Mhphgsiajd” I try to get there attention but now they are talking about carrots and pink bunny. How they go to that topic is beyond me.

“Hey I’m going to sleep on the couch at the back of the bus and April can-“ I guess this is when they finally remember me. “HOLY SKITTLES WE FORGOT ABOUT APRIL!” Kiki yelled and ran to me.

Once she finally untied me she laughed like everything the boys and she did was absolutely fine. That everything was rainbows and sunshine.

“Boo I can’t believe I forgot but oh well that is something to tell your kids one day-“ I silence her by putting my hand up.

“Leave me alone.” I simply say as I get up and walk to the back of the bus. The tears started to prickle at my eyes as I slam the door and locked it.

“April I didn’t mean to forget. It was a time moment and we were talking and and….April I am so sorry please don’t hate me I don’t like being hated….I’ll give you a kitten……I’ll buy you whatever Oreo you want……ah….please Boo your my Boo to my Boobear remember!” Kiki yelled through the door making me cry harder than before.

“Leave me alone.” I spoke under my breath as I cried.

“April please let us in.” Niall’s cute Irish voice spoke. I have had an Irish boy ask me to let them in and Australian time for the British voice to ask. Wow so much different accents.

“April what we did was irrational please forgive us.” Liam’s daddy directioner voice pleaded.

I sighed to myself I guess I can’t stay here forever and I have to let this all out or it will be stuck in me for quite a while. I need to let my anger and pain out.

I opened the door and went back to where I was before and waited for them to realize I have opened it.

“Okay I am sick of this I am coming in!” Harry’s voice yelled, “move out of my way.” Then to get pay back I heard him do a countdown so I went to the door and once he made it to 1 I opened it to see him flying into the couch. I giggled a gross sad giggle but it was funny and I made Harry from One Direction run into a couch.

Dreams do come turn.

I could hear the boys laugh but not Kiki. “Boo I am so sorry!” She yelled as she ran to me and hugged me which brought back the water works.

I push her back and sniffled up, “you never let me say bye to all my friends. Skittles, Reeses, KitKat…..” I travelled off as I thought of all my friends and family and how they are going to think I was selfish for leaving with One Direction and not saying goodbye. (A/N: did I get some of the nicknames right Boo?)

“Boo…” Kiki looked at me sad. I have never seen this side of Kiki it was pretty rare but it also makes me sadder.

“You didn’t even ask if I was okay you just chucked me in like I wasn’t a human being. I feel like you’re using me just because I am here and you can!” I let the anger out. I looked to the boys and they silently left so Kiki and I can get through this by ourselves.

“April I am so sorry I was so selfish I wanted you all to myself when I totally forgot about your other friends. I wanted to meet them but I was too caught up in meeting you I just wanted to hang out with you. I wanted to send more time with you and now I have made you sad and it hurts a lot so I am so sorry please be a happy bunny Boo. Please be my Boo.” She pleaded and started to cry which I cried once again.

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