don't call me a cat fish

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There comes a time in everyones life when you get lost in yourself, you wonder who you actually are,what makes you happy. I hit this point and was stuck at home a lot so i put the internet to use. I've always had the need to know everything esp about someone in the public eye. My daughter was Miley Cyrus mad she always had it on the tv or on the stereo so i become a fan to. Then Miley was in the film The last song with Liam Hemsworth, So i just began to google them both,but finding things on Miley was so easy but for Liam not so much that involved more time. At this moment my life was so bad i was so depressed and doing this just took my mind off of things. Then one day while i was sat on Facebook i thought i wonder if celebs have Facebook so i searched, i was shocked at how many actually came up. So i added a few and began talking to them i asked them questions and they got most right but when i began to ask i also found the answers before i asked. I then obviously found out everything was avalible on Google. Then i realised just how many other "FAKE" celeb accounts there are and not just on Facebook but Twitter,Tumblr,Instragram. But at least on Twitter the celeb can be verified,but that still doesn't stop fake accounts,they simple say it's a private account to be more direct with certain fans. So i spoke to a friend about it *bea about it and we thought i wonder how easy it is to make other believe. So i google photos of Miley Cyrus and made my first account it was easy to get other "Fake" celebs to talk to, Most people ie fans were so easy to fool. But then in order to make it look like you are the real celeb you have to be dated who they are,i didn't want to fake date a Liam Hemsworth so i made my own and dated myself lol. But there are far more Miley's then Liam so on my Liam account i was over run by Miley's.

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