The Accidental Meeting

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"You are kidding, right? " Piya watched her elder sister alina with stunned face.

"No, I'm not" Alina replied sheepishly. She emptied her whole luggage bag on the bed and grabbed two fancy top out of it, One red and other one was white.She placed both of them on herself  and asked piya for suggestion "this one or this One?" .

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I told you. We are going Out, " Alina looked into mirror. "I think red one will do the work." She mused, selecting red one for herself, and threw the white one towards piya "Go and change. We don't have much time."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Piya said clearly.

"You have to, little sis. You know I don't have driving licence. You wouldn't want to see your beloved sister behind bars on your birthday." She patted on her shoulder, piya shook it off.

"Now I understood why you were dying to come here," Piya appeared not so happy, putting her hands on hip she began saying "Your excitement wasn't because of my birthday. You didn't drag us here in Los Angeles from denville because You were missing uncle sam and aunt jena. It was all just because of that AR, isn't it?"

"It wasn't a lie. I'm excited for your birthday, and I was really missing uncle and aunt, " Alina said with fake offended voice. She continue "I just thought It would be good to visit them for this holidays. " She ran into bathroom to change.

"Really? " Piya obviously wasn't convinced.

"Yes, we've came LA to celebrate your eighteen birthday and we will celebrate it tomorrow .Getting a chance to watch AR performing live is just a bonus. " She squeak in excitement.

"We just landed here. Aren't you tired after such a long journey?" She yawned, throwing top back on the bed and sat on a nearer chair.

"It's AR, piya" Alina said as matter of faculty , coming out of bathroom after changing her clothes. Piya knew this was the battle she could not win. She had to go with alina whether she wanted or not. Her sister was a diehard fan of that pop Star, AR. She was kind of crazy for him. alina spend more time of her in thinking about him then doing anything else. She had so many posters of his on her room wall, and unfortunately piya shared same room with her.

"Why didn't you change yet? " She glared at piya who was sitting on the chair In her same lime yellow baggy top and denim pants. Her curly hairs tied in a bun.

"I'm comfortable in my own clothes. Thank you very much," Piya answer back, crossing her arms over her waist.

"Fine, "Alina sighed. She came near her and brought her hand in her curly hairs, and before piya could protest, She untied her hairs "At least, leave your hair loose and get rid of these glasses. "

"You know I can hardly manage without glasses," 

"How many times I've told you to try contact lenses,"

"How many times I've told you I dislike contact lenses as much as I dislike your AR. " She quipped.

"Not a single word against AR, " Alina turned defensive. "You want to go like this, fine. You'll going  to stay in the car."

"As if I care, " She said uninterestedly. Alina put some make up on her face and set her hairs. She checked herself twice in the mirror. Leaving her hair loose she posed at piya expecting to hear compliment from her, but piya just give her a bore face. Sighing, alina grab piya' hand and drag her Out with herself.

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