Fear came true!

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"Wake up you sleepyhead !"  Piya heard alina' voice in her ears. She thought she was dreaming. "Wakeup ! Wakeup ! " Alina removed blanket and snatched pillow from under her head. Piya forcefully opened her eyes. She sat on the bed, rubbing sleep off her eyes "So, where is the sky falling? " She said, yawning.

"Over your head. " Alina said sharply.

"If it so, I'll prefer dying while sleeping than running. " She yawned and lied on the bed, grabbing her pillow from alina' hand. "Go, run for your life.. " She said to her in sleepy voice.

"Piya..." Alina groaned, and started shaking her from the shoulder "I. Said. Wake. Up ! "

"Fine. I'm up. " Piya jerked her hand away and sat on the bed, her head lied against the head board.

"Where were you yesterday?  specifically, last night ? " Alina asked her.

"Why you asking ? " All piya wanted to do at that time was to sleep, not to play a question and answer round with her elder sister.

"Tell me where you were? "

"I don't know. " She replied in same sleep filled voice.

"How could you not know this? " Alina crossed her arms over her waist, showing that she was pissed at her.

"Okay, I know. "

"Than tell me. "

"I was at A.... " She had almost said that was at AR' home , but then stopped as she realised what she was about to blurt. She reminded with whom she was last entire day. Her eyes shoot open. Moving her head from head board she looked at her. Alina was waiting for her answr. Piya didn't know what to say. She had caught her totally off guard. She tugged her hairs behind her ear , avoiding alina' s eyes and tried to remember what she had said to her parents last night. "I went to the cafe with a friend. We spend some time together there, that's it." She repeated the last night lie. She tied her hair in a loose bun, wore  her eyeglasses and got up from the bed.

"Why hadn't you brought him here for your birthday celebration ? We could've all met him. "

Her questions started getting on piya's nerve. She faced her "You were there last night when I told mom everything. Why hadn't you said same thing then ? why now all of sudden ? "

"I believed you last night. But now I know you are lying. " Alina huffed. Piya raised a questionable eye brow at her. 

"Was your friend name AR ? " She croaked. At first piya thought she had heard wrong. Alina couldn't really asked her about AR directly just like that. She thought. Then she observed alina's face and realised she was hearing right, and that rang a warning bell in her head.

Alina was asking ! Which means she had somehow come to know about piya and AR meeting. It wasn't a good news to her ears and she feared there was more to come. "How did you know that ? " Piya asked, though she had already guess her answer.

"It's all over on the Internet. " Alina told. "You kissed him !! " She cried out.

"What?! No !! " Piya was at loss of words, she hadn't guess that.

Alina grab her iPad from the side table. "Then what's this? " She said showing her already open news article. Piya hastily took iPad from her hand, and saw what alina was talking about. That Article stated piya as AR' alleged girlfriend and there were many pics to prove it. Piya' breath stopped. "This is bad . This is bad. " She chanted in her head, but  tongue felt tied.

All the pics had been taken at the time when they both were in the garden,  and, the pic of that moment when AR kissed her on the cheek had been taken from such an angle that it looked liked they were lip kissing. She didn't dare to read the article, pics were enough to shook her brain.

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