I really gotta wrap this up,,

201 12 20

June 10th, 3:45 PM

Alana Beck: Heard you're not coming in today :(

Were you at Avery's party?

Evan Hansen: Yeah.

Alana Beck: Connor picked you up, right? Tell me he did before the incident happened.

Evan Hansen: I don't think we were there for the incident... what are you talking about?

Alana Beck: I don't like to spread rumours, but someone got hurt and the police showed up right away.

Chapter 20- holy shit

Apparently, someone got into a fight. Apparently, they ended up knocked out on the ground, bleeding from cuts and wounds all over their body.

Apparently, the person was Jared Kleinman.

"Holy shit." Evan whispered, staring at his phone in disbelief.

June 10th, 3:49 PM

Evan Hansen: Is he ok?????????? Who hurt him?????

Alana Beck: Dustin Kropp told me it was some kid named Ram. He's supposedly in college right now, the community college, and he was jailed.

Jared got really, really hurt. I don't know what exactly happened to him, but he had to go to the emergency room.

They were both pretty drunk, I think.

Evan Hansen: thanks alana i'll see you tomorrow

He shut off his phone, biting his lip worriedly as he tapped on it, restlessly trying to think of a way to get his mom to take him to the hospital. She'd probably say no or ask if he wanted to go to work, then, which Evan certainly didn't want, and despite being in a constant fight with Jared, he's still Jared.

"Mom," Evan called from upstairs, grabbing the mug on the side of his bed.

"Yeah, Ev?"

"C-Can you, uh, take me to, to the hospital?"

His mom crashed into his room quickly. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"No, I- I'm fine, mom. I just want to see someone there."


"A friend. I-I'm working on a project with him in french." He lied, gripping the cup tighter.

"Did anything happen to him?"

"No, I mean, yeah. He... broke his foot a few nights ago. Could you just drop me off at James Mercy hospital?"

"And you couldn't go to work, why?"

"I-I just want to check up on him, it'll only take a second!" He promised, placing the cup onto his bedside stand.

"Alright. I'll take you." Heidi gave in.


After asking for Jared's room and having to tell his name and information, Evan successfully managed to get passed everybody without panicking. He slipped into Jared's hospital room, only to be greeted by a slightly cramped, white room with a bed in it, and laying helplessly on the bed, the superstar himself.

"Hey," Evan asked, keeping his tone town and taking a few steps towards the boy.

"Hey," He replied, trying to keep a monotone voice as best as he could.


"If you're here to know about the fire, I was out of that house right before it started, bud."

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