Charlie Puth

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It was a normal evening for me, staying in my bed all day watching Netflix while stuffing my face with food. I was currently watching supernatural when a knock on the door came through interrupting A shirtless Dean scene. I groaned as I got up and went downstairs to open the door " No I would not like to buy your Girl Scout cookies can't you see I'm already fat?" I said. I opened my eyes and they went wide, for it was my neighbor, Charlie Puth, that knocked on the door. " I was wondering if you could house sit while I'm on the tour for Voicenotes?" He said holding back a laugh. My face flushed red with embarrassment. " Um sure y-yeah" I said admiring his Hazel eyes. " Yeah.... um thanks" he said biting his bottom lip slightly while looking at me in the eyes making me blush even more. " Yeah Yeah no problem" I smiled as he leaned against my doorway. " Nice pjs by the way" he smirked and walked away. I looked down to see I was wearing his face on my shirt. Great I groan. Another embarrassment in front of my crush/Neighbor. I close the door and went on with my day with my tv marathon.
Charlie POV
I quietly laugh as I see her beautiful face turn a bright red as I pointed out that she was wearing one of my merchandise. She looked cute in it though, I smiled and bit my knuckle softly as I sat in my desk while writing a new song.

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