Angel of Death

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( Finally got an idea)
I was walking off the stage, smiling at the cheering behind me. Tonight was the last show of my tour and I was excited for more adventures and music to come. I got on my tour bus and went straight to the bed area. "Hey Charlie, great show tonight!" Bryan,One of the guitarists, smiled getting on the bus "Thanks man" I smiled through a yawn. I turned to my side but didn't feel very good. Like if something bad would happen, I shook it off and got up to use the restroom right before going to sleep. After flushing the toilet, I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. I look like shit, black circles under my eyes, my hair is messed up, and I am covered in sweat.  As I walked out again of the bathroom the bad feeling happened again. My heart told me run but at the same time I didn't know why. I let out a shaky sigh and ignored it, I walked towards my bed once again, this time getting ready for bed. I took my pants and shirt off and threw it somewhere in the bus. The bus started to move and I fell asleep to it's slow humming and moving.
- 4 Hours later-
I woke up to my phone ringing next to my ear. I picked it up and answered sleepily "H-hello?" I whispered. "CHAR- bzzzz PLEASE DON'T TE-bzzz ME YOU-bzzz ARE-bzzzz." The static kept breaking him the person on the other side up. I looked at my phone and saw only 1 bar, I also realized the bus stopped moving "Dude, I can't hear you, I only have one bar" I rubbed my eyes. "BYR-" The call ended with just that. As my body fully woke up, the bad feeling returned, I felt my stomach churning. "Hey Dylan, why did we stop?" I asked getting up stretching. No answer, "Dyl?" I walked towards the driver seat, no one. All of the sudden, that feeling you have when someone is behind you, overcame me. I turned around and saw Bryan raising his guitar at me. "HOLY-"
Wack, My head felt hot and-WACK. WACK WACK. "THIS." WACK "IS" WACK "PEOPLE" WACK "LIKE YOU" WACK WACK "FUCKING DESERVE" WACK WACK. I heard him scream before falling unconscious. What felt like an instant second, I saw my body. Still being wacked by my so-called Guitarist. "Am I-" "Dead? Not yet" I was interrupted by a angelic voice. "Am I going to heaven?" I asked looking around "Er Not yet" it replied again. I then heard a flapping of wings and turned to see a beauty creature standing before me. "Hello Charles" she looked at me. "W-Are you an angel?" I asked. "Sorta" she smiled. "I'm an Angel of Death" I tripped back "THE Angel of Death! Like I'm dead!" I started to cry. "Oh God no no no, well oh God. It's really complicated. Okay, I'm not THE Angel Of Death, I'm a Angel of Death, there are more than just one. And the dying part is your choice really. Well I think" she nervously giggled. She's cute, for a creature that is literal Death. "M-my choice?" I chocked back. "You still have a small life source in your body. Strong enough to make it through.. but-" she looked away. "But?" I stepped closer. "You will only live for a couple of days, you really have gotten a beat down" she looked at my bloody body on the ground. Bryan finally stopped wacking me and got off the bus. "What's he doing?!" I got off the bus to follow him. "He's taking a walk,to think about what he just did." She followed me. "Is he going to come back to finish me off?" I looked at her and realized she has the most gorgeous eyes. "Not if you make your decision now, live now or die now. If you make this choice quickly, I can promise you won't die out here alone. You'll be with family." She put a hand on my shoulder. "But I'll still die! I don't want to die! Why does he want me dead" I shoved her hand off of me. "Yes you'll still die,everyone dies,he wants you dead because you slept with his sister and left her for her best friend" She rubbed her forehead. I felt fury rise up in me "BECAUSE OF WHAT I DID! THEEE FUCKING YEARS AGO" I started screaming through my tears. "Humans" she shook her head. I looked back at my body saddened "So either way... I'm going to die..." I didn't look at her. "Yes.. I'm afraid so, I'm here now and if you chose to die later, I'll be there later" I felt her walk closer to me. She put her hand on my shoulder to turn me around. "I advise you to chose wisely. It could impact the your fans,family, even Bryan". I bit my lip thinking this over. "I want to be with my family... even if it's for a few days". She nods. "See you soon Charlie" she whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Next thing you know, I felt a jolt go through my body. I'm back... in my... in my body! But it hurts like hell... I slowly fight the aching joints in my arm to grab my phone from my pocket to dial 9111.
"911 what's your emergency?"
Some of the fans have sent me gifts, I smile sadly as I watch my family leave for their visit. I remember my conversation with the girl. I'm going to die soon, I know it. My body aches and I feel weak. I wish I didn't have to go so soon. The lights flicker and I hear wings flap. "Charlie" I hear her voice. To weak to move my head, I answered "I'm ready" I let a final tear roll down my check. I hear her heels click towards me. She bent down and placed her lips on mine. I was surprised at this action, her lips were soft as a pillow. As our kiss ended, I felt a light off my shoulder disappear. I saw my body again...."Am I?" I looked at my body as doctors rushed in. "Yes... this time you are" she looked at my body as well, she looked at me and said "Charlie Otto Puth Jr,born on December 2, 1991, died on March 9,2019. Congratulations Charlie... you'll be entering Heaven."

WOW, I just killed Charlie 😭
I had this OC for a show I watch so I just included her in here without giving much info bc i MIGHT be making a Teen Wolf/Supernatural Fic where I will be including her.
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