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//: Charlie is a killer in here, if you feel uncomfortable please skip it://
Ps: Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington make an appearance.

You walked into school to be faced with Halloween decorations. "Hey YN, coming to my party tonight?" Billy,a football player, asked a little to close to your comfort. "Um no I was thinking of staying home and watching Horror movies...." you stepped back. "Oh come on...." He played with your hair. "She said no...." A voice said from behind. You turned and looked and recognized him as Charlie Puth, a shy and quiet kid from your science class. " or what?" Billy turned and stared him down. "You wouldn't want to know...." he clenched his fists.
Billy scoffed. "Yeah, I would love to see what happens" he pushed past Charlie.
"Thank you..." you smiled. "Beautiful girls don't need ugly princes...." he just stared back at you blankly. The bell rang signaling History for you. "Um bye..."
Charlie just stood there staring at you. He didn't like it when other people touched or talked to you. Others in the past have gotten in the away but he always got them out of the way.

"Hey Billy, What time is your party?"
"Starts at six, wear masks and at Twelve you will unmask." "Got it bro!" Billy entered the locker room but it was pitched black. He turned on the lights but they wouldn't work, "weird...." he grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight.
A clang went through the dark room "who's there?" Billy snarled. "Steve don't be fucking with me." The clanging came closer "I told you to leave YN alone Hargrove...." "Really Puth.... get your ugly ass out here and fight me like a man."
Billy turned around but felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He gasped and looked up and saw Charlie. "I told you... you wouldn't want to know...." Charlie removed the knife from his stomach and slit his throat. Billy dropped to the floor as Charlie cleaned the knife. He tsked "where are we gonna hide you?"

"Hey YN, have you seen Billy? I've been looking for him to get information for tonight's party" Steve asked you "oh, no sorry..." you smiled sweetly "He left home early..." Charlie came up from behind you wiping his hands on his jacket. " Thanks? Charlie?" Steve guessed. "Yes..." he replied looking blankly into Steve's eyes. "Um okay... see you at Billy's Party then..." Steve left in a hurry. You turned to Charlie "are you going to the party?" "Clown..." he just stared at you and then left. "Clown?" You whispered.

You arrived at the party and it was packed! You were dressed as a bloody bride, it got a lot of looks. Especially from Charlie. He couldn't help but stare, you even more beautiful than ever. He went over to you and got close enough to stare much closer to you. "Hey YN.. here's your Drink!" "Thanks Steve!" You yelled over the music. Charlie's nostrils Flared and gritted his teeth. "You look beautiful!"
"Thank you Steve! You look handsome yourself!" You touched his vampire costume. "Made it all by myself" he sang the last part. "Hey I'll be back in gonna look for Billy." Steve left to look for Billy. "Dude! YN is here....Nows your chance!" Steve cheered him on from the hallway. "Billy?" Steve pushed doors open before opening Billy's room to see a Clown sitting on Billy's bed. "Oh, Hey Billy! Have you seen YN costume?" Steve asked "It's totally hot, scary suit dude" The Clown stood up and turned around to face Steve, " Billy?" The Clown began to walk closer to him with a chain in his hands "Dude?" The Clown wagged his finger and ran towards Steve. "Oh shit!" Steve ran but the clown grabbed him by the shoulder and slammed the door. "Billy! Dude? What the hell!" Steve scramble off the bed, "I'm not Billy!" A distorted voice came out of the clown. He punched Steve as he tried to get out. "You Know, your right! YN does look hot tonight" The clown wrapped the chain around Steve's neck and strangled him "She. Is.MINE" he snapped Steve's neck. He huffed "Shit." He kicked the corpse. "Shit! Shit! SHIT".

You waited for Billy to show up, sure he was a dick but he treated you like princess even though you two weren't dating. A clown came up to you with flowers "Oh for me?" You asked. The clown nodded. You smelled them but water squirted out of them, " Oh! Haha!" You smiled. "Um Thanks Billy?" You tried to uncover his mask. He grabbed your hand harshly, he pointed to the clock signaling what Billy said earlier. "Oh yeah! Unmasking at midnight! That's five minutes away!" You smiled. The clown nodded softly and walked away leaving you alone.

The clock struck midnight and you went off to look for Billy And Steve. You gotten really worried about those two. "Boys?" You calles out from the crowd. "ITS TIME TO UNMASK!" A jock yelled. As Soon as he said that, two bodies dropped from the near by closet . Cheers went through the air thinking it was just a Halloween joke. You chucked and went over to the bodies. "Steve! Billy! Guys I've been looking all over for you two!" You smiled. The corpses just looked back at you lifeless and dull. "Boys?" You nudged them. Billy was cold as ice and had dried blood all over him, Steve wasn't breathing. "Oh my god! OH MY GOD" You screamed. Everyone began to notice the party host and his friend were actually dead and went running out of the party. You tried running but you kept tripping over your dress. Catching your breath, you stopped. You turned back and saw something that made your heart drop. It the clown that gave you the flower. Something was off about him/her though.  "What do you want...." you called out. "You" it called back. Chills ran through your spine, the voice sounded familiar. So familiar. "You know, I'll treat you better than Billy. And Steve... In fact, everyone who looks at you the way I look at you darling" he walked closer to you. You walked back.. "Who the hell are you?!" You screamed. "Look at my costume..." it was a clown. Clown? Clown....
- Flash back-
You remember Charlie Looking at you darkly in the halls. "Billy left early.." he glared at Steve, "oh thanks?" Steve walked off. "So are you coming to the party?" You asked "Clown..." he replied
- Back to present-
"C- Charlie?" You chocked. He smiles and took off his mask. " my love YN LN, we can finally be together.." he smiles "I-I don't want to be yours! You KILLED Billy AND STEVE! MY BEST FRIEND AND MY CRUSH!" "DAMN IT YN! I AM SUPPOSED TO BE BOTH OF THOSE" he threw the knife. You flinched " Oh no no no, sweetie. I would never hurt you!" Charlie came closer to you. You ran off the second he took the step. "WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME!" You heard the echo behind you running fast as well. You didn't dare to look back, you stopped when you heard the running behind you stop. You hid behind a tree gasping for air. "Oh my god...." you whispered. "Oh my god!" You ran your fingers through your hair. You began to think of Poor Billy And Steve. Your best friend and the guy of your dreams. You began to sob for them thinking the horrible deaths they went through. "Shhh shhhh, don't cry Dove" a voice next to you whispered. You screamed but he grabbed you and covered your mouth. "Shhh, now your mine darling..." he grabbed a cloth from his pocket and covers your mouth. You began to feel dizzy. "I knew this would come in handy" that was the last thing you heard before everything went dark.

Wow Thank you guys for being Patient with me ( Pun Intended) Please don't comment hate on this or i will most likely 1. ignore you. 2.Delete it. Or 3. if I am feeling mean I'll answer back. I will probably write part two but right now I have writers block. Love y'all 💕✨

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