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"Okay.. YN.... do you understand me at all?" He looked at you with confusion in his eyes. You just gave him a blank stare. The more you spent on land, the more you understood. But alas, you still didn't quite understand. "Um okay..." he frowns "do you speak at all?" Once again you just stared at him. "Do you know where you live? Or where you came from?" You understood that and pointed at the ocean. "That's the thing! There isn't a beach house on the actual beach!" "Charlie! Hurry pho- oh who is this?" His manger walked in. "Oh! She's YN! Um my mom is best friends with hers sooo she's visiting!" Charlie smiled. "Five minutes...." he walked off. "Ch-Charrliee?" You chocked out. Charlie's head snapped "that's my name! You do speak!" You looked at him sadly. He realized that you only knew that "oh... you still can't talk" he sighs and rubs his head. "Charlie....." you Walked up to him, putting your hands on the side of his head. "No- stop! We just met we can't k-" he stopped as soon as you put your forehead on his.

Charlie gasped as he felt water fill in his lungs but Memories of deep depths and women of great beauty and deadly eyes filled his eyes. He heard beautiful voices calling out to sailors making them crashing into rocks. He felt in a transe listening to the beautiful voices. He swam up to the water. There was a rock in front of him, he gazed up to the beautiful singing voice that lead him up to the surface. He touched the back and was taken back when he saw the tail. A fish tail. Beautiful shade of coral blue, up to your beautiful eyes. He saw you. He saw you for what you were, he saw you in your true form. No legs but a beautiful tail.

You pushed away as Charlie gasped for air. "H-how did you? What are you!?" You started sadly at the floor ashamed of what you were. "I sorry" you chocked up. "Are you? Are you a mermaid?"
You looked up feeling terrible as ever. Your heart shattered in a million pieces when you saw the confusion/Horror in Charlie's eyes. "yes...." "wow... so... wow. That explains a lot!" He sighs. You stepped back away from him ashamed. "What's wrong?" You shook your head "You... Don... like me"
"What! No I really like you! It's just... I'm in shock!" "S-shocked?"
"Yeah! Surprised! In the middle of thinking that you didn't knew could be real."
"I didn't know Hoomans were real..."
"I am... and this" he pointed between you two "it's real" he leans in to kiss you softly. For the first time in your life, you felt shocked.

Charlie Puth Imagines Where stories live. Discover now