chapter one

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chapter one

                                 It feels so annoying listening to the same sound over and over again. Michael has been playing this annoying sound, and worse, he keeps repeating it. It kinda makes me wanna bang my drums so it could have at least a little good taste of sound. Shit, I really sounded cocky there huh? So this is my true colors.

"Can you please stop that thing?" Finally, Calum got irritated as well. Michael glared at him and continued doing that fuc- freaking sound. This rainbow dude's stubborn as hell.

"For God's sake, Mike. Stop that!" Luke suddenly yelled at him and then gave him this scary look, making Michael pout and leave the room.

"You know, this whole writing will not work if we keep on arguing and yelling." I pointed out, making Calum and Luke snap their heads at me.

"No shit sherlock." Calum shook his head as he continue to write something down.

"Thank you, captain obvious." Luke rolled his eyes and continued to strum some chords on his guitar.

Aren't my friends so, kind and friendly? Aww, just listen to the way they talk to me. They're so sweet.

How about a fuck no?

Oh goodness, I feel terrible. I keep on cussing. Why? Because I'm so darn tired of wasting my time trying to figure things out. We've been doing this thing for like three days and it's bugging me so bad.

Michael came back, with a very, very huge odd smile curved up on his lips. It's so creepy though.

"Guys, I forgot to tell you." He slightly chuckled and showed a paper.


Calum and Luke looked at each other, with a shock and happy expression and quickly read the lyrics. I, on the other hand, sit back down on the soft sofa and watch their hilarious faces.

"Ash! Can't you see? We're done from suffering! We've got a new song!" Luke exclaimed, a happy smile glued on his lips.

-sings for the first time in forever from frozen-

"I'm not blind nor deaf," I stated and looked at Luke seriously.

"Well, I'm sorry man. I'm just so damn happy right now. Can't you see my happiness?!" No.

"This is such an amazing day." You're wrong.

"I love you so much Michael!" Calum, you so gay.

"Let's celebrate and order pizza!" Pizza? Who said that?!

I suddenly jolted up from my seat and grinned so wide. "Hell yes to pizza!"

The three of them looked at me and shook their heads. I send them a confused look. "You're happy 'cause there's pizza but you're not happy even if we have a song already?"

"Oh Luke, sorry to break it but, pizza's the only way to happiness."

They all looked at me like I'm some weirdo wondering in the streets and acting all crazy. Well, I turn into a weirdo when it comes to pizza. Who doesn't?

Calum frowned at me. "Before we celebrate, we should at least try making the tone of the song. How we gonna sing it and all those jazz."

"What's the song called?" I suddenly asked, becoming more serious.

"Disconnected." They answered in unison, making me startle a little.

I quickly took the paper from them and read the first verse.

life's a tangled web
of cell phone calls and
hashtag i-don't-knows
and you, you're so caught up
of all the blinking lights
and dial tones

"Michael, it seems like Calum wrote this." I said as I read through the first verse. (BITCH EVEN CALUM HAS A FANFICTION OF IT. Aye, shamelessly promoting. Check it out babes.)

"Why? I wrote that!" He pouted once again.

"Calum's more into phones, hashtags, and he's so caught up of all the blinking lights and dial tones." I shrugged. (SPOILER MUCH??? Again, check it out. HUEHEU)

"Ash, you just kind of change the sentence from the song." Michael trailed off, scratching the back of his neck.

"No shit, Sherlock. Oh and thank you, captain obvious." I mocked Luke and Calum playfully, receiving a glare and eye roll.

i admit i'm a bit of a victim
of the worldwide system too
but i found my sweet escape
when i'm alone with you
tune out the static sound
of the city that never sleeps
here in the moment of the
dark side of the screen

"This song's sound should be chill." I nodded, satiesfied at the words Michael had come up. Makes my hips sway. Look at this hip gyration.

"What do you mean by chill?" Luke asked, curiousity eating him slowly I guess? But you know what, I'm just using too much words to seem like I'm understandable in this terrible book.

"Not too much drums." I replied, even though it hurts to not record it with that much with drums. Oh look, again, cocky Ashton coming your way.

"Ashton, I said the song's tone not sound." Calum slapped his forehead as he shake his head. I ignored him as I finally discovered the tone of the lyrics.

"I like the summer rain, I like the sounds you make, we put the world away, we get so disconnected." I sang the chorus part as I snap my fingers together and swayed my hips. "And then we add oh oh oh at first verse and after the first chorus, we'll add them again, bla bla bla, we'll just add it."

I placed the lyrics on the sofa. I grabbed my phone and dialed the  pizza's phone number delivery. I ordered two large box of pepperoni and cheese pizza and told the address. After ending the call, I noticed the boys' attention on me.

"Ashton, when did you become so eager?" Michael asked.

"Just today." I replied and sat lazily on the sofa, making the lyrics fly away.

As I close my eyes, the boys started to talk about some girl being awesome and a good listener of good music. Which reminds me of the girl from the music store.


"Hickory, dickory duck, I want to see Luke's cock." Michael danced around as he repeated the sentence.

The girl from the music store.

"Hey guys?" They all stopped what the hell they are doing and looked at me. "Who are you guys talking about?"

"Uhh, Luke's cock." Calum mumbled, blushing afterwards.

"What the fuck, no. The girl who is awesome and is a good listener of good music." I said, wanting to already know her name, her age. I just need those info so bad.

"Oh. We don't really know her name, but she have watched us play live." Luke answered.

"But, she didn't like the drums." Calum slowly added, slowly making my world collapse.

Fucking clichè.

And then it clicked, that's what the cashier boy told me.

"She already watched you play drums, but dude, she didn't like it."

Oh god, help me.


end of chapter one.

fun fact: I wrote this while listening to So Fresh, So Clean.

-noah c.

she's into drummers // ashtonWhere stories live. Discover now