chapter six

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chapter six

                               I couldn't focus properly. Maybe it's because of what happened last night. It was a chance of a lifetime, but yeah I screwed it all up. I had the chance, the only chance to get to know her that time but my temper had to ruin it. What the actual fact Ashton Irwin, you keep on screwing things up! Bad luck is always with me, I know.

"-they have given you another opportunity, so that means, you four will be going to perform live in-"

She looked so beautiful. Her blue eyes. Her hair, oh my god, her freaking hair. I've never seen someone as punk rock as her. Michael must like her then. He's into punk rock girls.

"-you four should be happy about it because this is a huge one than the first one, you will be meeting-"

I couldn't take her off of my head. Why is this happening to me? Is this what you call true love? My heart races whenever I see her, it's not that I am scared of her, maybe I just get all blushy around her.

"-the tour budget is all on me, you don't have to worry about your food or any equipment you need-"

You guys must be thinking that I like her because of her looks, hell to the no. There is something about her that just keeps on catching my attention. The way she's so cool, I find her hella rad. Well, I think everyone knows she is hella rad, I mean, look at her, she's so damn punk rock. She wins, our band doesn't. Michael dyes his hair every time to make the band look like a freaking rainbow for some reason.

"-I am really sure that this will be a successful tour for the four of you, I mean this is-"

I sighed, way too loud than I expected. The four people who are in front of me snapped their eyes on me, I suddenly looked at them. I shrugged and rolled my eyes, not really caring that much.

"You are the oldest in the band, Ashton, you should be the one who is really focusing." The manager of the tour plan company or some shizzle said. What was name again? Oh wait, I forgot, let me call him butthead.

"Sorry, someone just got me distracted." I glared at the boys, to show him that one of them distracted me. The boys looked back at me like I'm some homo trying to catch the running pizza. Oh god, with just a thought of pizza makes me hungry.



After an hour of talking about the whole tour plan, we went back to our apartment, ordered pizza and took out some drinks. Well, coke cans to be honest. The four of us are in a circle, quietly drinking our coke and taking a bite from our slice of pizza.

"This is a lame ass shizz." Michael spoke, his mouth full of pizza.

"Well, we can tell some jokes." Calum looked at us and shrugged.

"I'm gonna go first!" Luke raised his hand and looked up for a second. "Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" The three of us asked, staring at him closely.


"Figs who?"

"Figs the door, it's broken." I think I can hear crickets. That was so lame.

"Seriously? Luke, that's such a funny joke." Michael said, note the sarcasm people.

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Know It All, I was trying my best." Luke rolled his eyes and turned away from Michael, ignoring Michael's respond.

"It's your turn, Cal." I nodded at him and smiled.

 I was expecting him to say two simple words, but instead, he stood up and walked out of the living room, entering the kitchen. I sighed as I watch Luke and Michael argue, pouting and looking away from each other. I don't get why these two always fight, yet they still look cute together.

We should really have named our band Bromance.

"Knock it off, guys. This is such a boring day." (A/N: You're right Ashton, this is such a boring chapter. D: D: D:) Michael and Luke looked at me and suddenly dragged me closer to them.

"We have a couple of things to tell you." Luke said in such a rush which made me more curious now.

"And, I swear these couple of things are the things you most likely want to know and you always think about twenty-four seven." The first thought was pizza, but I shook it off, it isn't the pizza I'm sure.

"Is it..?" I slowly said, looking at them very careful.

"Yes, it is." Michael nodded.

"What is it? You should have said it! I'm not a guesser for Pete's sake."I facepalmed and groaned onto my hand. This is so stupid.

"It's about Hayley, duh." Luke said, rolling his eyes at me. If he do that one more time.. I swear Lucas, I swear.

"What about her?" My interest grew even more since we are going to talk about the girl I like. No one hates when they talk about their crush. No one gets tired of talking about their crush. No one. (No one, Noah, whoops :3)

"She's blaming it all on her, about what happened last night." Michael looked me dead in the eye. I looked back at him, observing whether he's lying or not. Nope, he isn't.

"She messaged us, she was actaully apologizing. She said, 'those weren't the things I was planning to happen, I just actually want to be friends with Ashton but my sassiness gave in too much, I blame it all to myself, I screwed things up. I'm sorry guys.' You think that you screwed it all up and she thinks that she screwed it all up. What a cute couple." Michael chuckled at Luke like an idiot, while, I, couldn't help but blush from what just Luke said. We are not a couple. But, it sounds good to hear that... Holy fuck.

"She really messaged that to you?" I slowly asked, I was kind of speechless. I never thought that she would message that to the boys, I never expected her to even apologize and blame it all to her.

So, that means she wasn't really being a pain in the ass? Oh my god, this is so messed up. I looked back at the boys after rethinking what the actual hell is the situation is. "She was going to be nice to me but, her sassiness wasn't controlled?" I asked.

"What the hell are you talking about, Irwin?" Michael looked so confused as I am. Everyone is freaking confused right now, everything's messing up pretty bad.

"I don't know, I couldn't understand every little thing you guys just said." I scratch the back of my neck and blushed a deep shade of red, getting embarrassed.

"Oh god, you should've studied too hard back in high school. She likes you, Ashton. She freaking likes you. Now, are you still confused?"


Now I understand how those fangirls feel, when they get the



boring chap but hey, I updated loool. Please vote and comment. Love you. x :)

cute Ashton smile --------> my heart.. my freaking heart.

-noah c.

she's into drummers // ashtonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora