please read.

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hey beautiful people,

                      I know, I haven't updated, but we just need to discuss something. I was on Twitter yesterday, then I saw something that fucking broke my heart. Ashton is getting hate. Since I am a curious guy, I checked what the hell is happening. Then I saw a couple of pictures, seeing razors, medicines. It fucking made me mad.

There is a bunch of people hating on him. Hating on an amazing guy, who cares about people a lot. Sometimes, I ask myself, why are those people like that? Judge people, bully them, insult them, it's just so fucking frustrating to me.

I know it's weird, but it broke my heart seeing those hatred tweets to Ashton. Just as what my best friend said, they're attention seekers. They're craving for attention from people. But hell no, hell to the fucking no. They will not get the 5sos fam's attention, well we snapped are attention at them but we did the right thing. We defended Ashton. That's like the most important thing to do.

I didn't get the chance to sleep last night because I was too busy reading and cursing through my breath as I read those tweets. My best friend showed me a picture, and that picture shows the people who started this fucking shit. On twitter, @zaynandlouis ; @grylesupdates ; @zaynftcabello ; @tomlindaddy ; @oxymalik those are all the people who started the hate. I don't know, some of them just tweeted the hashtag and said that this is beautiful. how about a fuck no?But I think @zaynandlouis started it all.

If you truly are a part of this fam, I know you'll understand why I didn't update. Those four boys means so much to me, and I am not gay ok.  I just love them so much that I could defend them all the time even if it'll hurt, even if I get any hates. I don't care if Iget hates, at least I'm defending my idols.

Thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot to me. (: I hope you comment what you think about all of these hates. Love you guys so damn much. x

-noah c.

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