chapter five

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chapter five

                                   "I don't know what's Ashton's deal right now. But you four just ruined this opportunity. This was supposed to be a good show. But well, it wasn't! Your so called drummer just stopped playing and passed out, which is really odd. Now everyone's complaining, wanting their money back!" What is this guy's deal though? Is he blind? He does know that I am freaking sleeping here peacefully?

My tired eyes hesitantly opened, seeing four people looking down at me. What the hell is happening?

"Oh look, your drummer just woke up. How was your sleep, sir?" The man with the beard rolled his eyes and put both of his hands on his hips.

"I heard what you just said, mister. If you were on my shoes, you would pass out also. I am sick and tired, okay? Now fuck off before I punch your pretty little face." I said, quiet frustrated, showing him my fist.

He turned pale, but still handled his tough face. He moved on his heels and left the room. The three of them looked quiet shock from what I just said.

I was about to open my mouth and speak when someone suddenly knocked on the door. Calum stood up and opened the door, revealing the guard from earlier. "Hello, lads. Someone is here to see the four of you, mostly Ashton."

A girl who looked about eighteen smiled at the guard and nodded at him and shut the door behind her. "Hello boys. You rocked the stage earlier."

I bet I look dumbfounded right now. This girl is the one who is from the music store. From the fucking music store. What the hell is really happening right now? I am so damn confused.

"She-" I stopped myself, the four of them looked at me in confusion, but I ended up blushing a deep shade of red. Ugh, I hate it when I blush.

"Aww, look at Ash, blushing like he just saw his longtime crush since kindergarten." Luke cooed, making Calum and Michael laugh as they look at me.

"And, yes, I am the girl from the music store. Luke, Calum and Michael have been telling me a lot of stuff about you. And I guess you have heard stuff about me from these three." She pointed at the three boys who were standing like they're bunch of lads from London, like really fancy lads.

"We didn't really tell things about you. We just told him that you hate his drumming skills." Am I not good enough? Should I freaking try hard just to freaking impress her? I glared at Calum, I already told him to not mention that.

"Oh, about that. It was just a lame stupid joke." She chuckled and hused the boys with her hand.

"But what about you told me back in the music store? That I am way too cocky for you and I am obviously out of your league." I snapped, feeling a little bad because I sounded harsh.

"Who said that you're out of my league. Remember, I'm into drummers." She crossed her arms on her chest, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I know that, but still I am way too cocky for you." I looked away from her, I don't really talk back to girls. I actually hate doing that.

"What are you trying to point out, Irwin?" Well, now her hands are on her hips.

"Oh now you're calling me by my last name?" I looked at Luke, he was looking back and forth at the girl and I. He looks nervous or screwed up.

"Dude, stop it. She's the daughter of the mayor." Luke warned, looking seriously at me.

Psh, but she doesn't have the right to judge me like that. I didn't even know her, I just showed my freaking drumsticks and asked if she's into drummers and then she's all like 'yes I'm into drummers, but I'm not into cocky drummers like you.' I don't freaking get it, why the flock did she snapped me and left me embarassed.

"I don't care if she's the mayor's daughter, she's the one who's wrong here." I sat, stomping my foot like a kid who didn't get the chance to play outside because it was raining, in attempts of trying to look angry.

"Why is she even the wrong one?" Michael looked at me, his mouth full of chips.

"She judged me, said I was cocky, I was just asking if she's into drummers but she blew me off." I heard giggles from the boys, when I looked at them, they stopped.

"You were showing off your drumsticks! So I would think that you're a cocky guy trying to brag that you're a flocking drummer." Wow, she can't even say freaking, how innocent. Not.

"You should have asked why I was showing them! I wasn't a show off, I was just letting you see that I'm a flocking drummer." I mocked her, and rolled my eyes.

Wow, Ashton Fletcher Irwin, you're turning into a girl. A sassy one to be exact. I groaned and looked seriously at her. "I'm done arguing these pointless things with you. It's a waste of time! Why don't you just go?"

The boys pushed me back so I could sit down and talked to that ugh, girl. "Erm, Hayley, you should.. you should just go. It's really trouble when he's all heated up."

I looked back at her, and saw her nod and looked down at me with disappointment in her eyes. That just freaking made me more confused. She hesitantly twisted the doorknob, sighed, and left the room.

Congratulations, Irwin, you just freaking fucked things up.



Hiya, sorry for making you wait for a long period of time. I just got home from the hospital, the doctor said I'm going to be alright. Thank you for waiting, I hope you'll like this fvcked up chapter. I'm tired and need some rest. Thanks, again, lol.

Love you. x

-noah c.

she's into drummers // ashtonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora