chapter nine

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chapter nine

                        Two weeks passed. And those two weeks were filled with crazy stupid events. Hayley is obviously included. The boys were being their immature, childish selves.

I honestly love spending time with them but sometimes they don't control their immaturity and it becomes so annoying.

But, you'll never give up on them.

"Hey Ash, Kayla wants to invite us to her birthday." Calum spoke, not even looking at me, his eyes remained on his phone, typing away.

"And who is Kayla?" I asked curiously, I've never heard that name come out of Calum's mouth.

"Uh.. Well, she's actually my girlfriend of seven months." He scratched the back of his neck, smiling smugly at me.

"Wow, that's why you've been out a quite while now. Guessing she'll be eighteen?" I chuckled, raising both of my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah. Sorry for hiding it from you." Wait, from me? Just me?

"So you have told this to Luke and Michael?" I spoke a little bit loud.

"Yeah.. I didn't want to tell you when I asked her out because you over react, you're all like 'you're too young!' ; 'you'll just want her for sex!'. I am not that kind of person, y'know. I love this girl." He said, with honest on his voice.

But still.. "YOU BASTARD!"

And that is the moment I dived in and held Calum on his wrists tightly, straddling him.

"What the hell Ashton!"

"You didn't tell me! You didn't trust me! Why, Calum? Why?" I leaned down close to his face, threatening him that  I'll kiss him right on his lips.

"Ashton! Don't! I swear. You're such a slut!"

We stopped what Calum and I were doing and looked up at the door since we heard two people enter - Michael and Luke.

We looked up at them and Michael looks like he's trying not to let out his laughter.

"HA! GAY!" Michael said, his voice loud and clear then he started laughing like - a - pig.

"What are you guys doing?" Luke awkwardly asked.

"Well, Calum here didn't tell me about his Kayla girl which made me think that he doesn't trust me." I looked down at Calum whose face is slightly the same color as a tomato. "Dude! We've been together for years. I mean - together as best friends / band members anf you don't trust me?! WHUAAT?"

Michael - whose laugh is still heard around the room starts fading away, and slowly the room went silent.

"Ash, Calum was just scared." Luke said, shrugging his shoulders.

"W-Why would he be scared? I give the bestest advices." I stated, looking at the three of them. Their face looked disagreeing.

"About that, remember the time when Michael was asking about how to hit on a girl 'cause he likes this girl so much you told him to freaking grab a bat and hit her with it and that she will like it."

The room definitely went dead silent. Wow, am I really that stupid back then? I guess so.

"Thanks for reminding me that I really am not good with advices." I rolled my eyes at them and grabbed my phone, ignoring them, not really caring if they exist at the moment. "Hey, he was asking how to hit a girl, so I told him how."

"Emotionally not physically, you dckhead." Michael said, his arms crossed on his chest.

"Does my head look like a dck?" I touched my head, filled with flawless hair (nah, just kidding). "I've got hair on it."

"It's because you never shave." Calum said.

Luke, Michael, and I looked at Calum. What the hell did he just say?

"You is nasty, Calum." Michael faked a gag, leaving the room.

"Says the one who showed off his dck through Snapchat." Luke shook his head, chuckling to himself.

"STOP SAYING THAT!" Calum pouted.

"You know what, you should invite Kayla next time. Like a seat dinner with us." I told Calum, not even glancing at him.

"Seat dinner sounds so fancy. How about barbecue?" His eyes looked at me with hope.

"No, it will be a seat dinner."

"You don't even know how to cook."

"If it's barbecue then there'll be girls everywhere and she will be all confuse like why are there too many girls, and they're even half naked! You don't want to get dumped right?" I pouted at him playfully.

He groaned at me and slapped his face. "It's not like I am going to let half naked girls into this house."

"So no barbecue dinner shizzle. I want to act like your nice, kind, good father and ask questions about her so I could approve of her."

"Nice, kind, good father, my ass." Calum rolled his eyes as he unlocked his phone and started to type.

"Watch your language." I said sternly, playfully glaring at him.

"Sure, father. I'll let my eyes watch what I am saying which is in my brain. Which is difficult because I haven't seen my brain or any brain." He blabbed.

"You are so fooking weird."

"You're just the same."


This chapter is boring, bruhs. I was so drunk the time I wrote this. And it surprised me that I can still actually type in a proper way. I just edited a few errors. Hope I didn't miss anything.

I added that picture bc michael looks so damn good.

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Love you, beautiful amazayn people.
~noah x

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