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I look at the huge beautiful house. "Wow" is the only word that exits my mouth. Norman or dad, I still don't know what he wants me to call him, chuckles at my remark. I sit in the car. "Come on out" he laughs as he grabs my 1 suitcase. I open the car door cautiously and step out onto the drive way. Norman takes my hand as he unlocks the white door to the front of his house.
I enter his beautiful home- my home also- and I am immediately scared by the loud noises of video games I'm assuming. "Don't worry, that's just my son playing x-box" Norman says. "You have a son? what's his name? is he nice?" I ask probably sounding paranoid. norman chuckles then responds "yes, he is nice. And Mingus" he says. "Here let me show you to your room" Norman says as I follow him up the glossy wooden stairs.
"Here's your room" he said as hes winged open the white door revealing a purple huge room. White carpet, purple walls, a white and black bed spread, walk in closet with clothes already in it, and my very own bathroom. "It's huge! thank you!" "your welcome" Norman said "Emily Kinney and Chandler riggs, who work with me,helped me decorated it for you. I put there numbers and my other cast members numbers plus mingus' in your phone" he said smiling. I made a confused look then said "but i don't have a phone?!" "ya do now" he said pulling a silver iPhone 5s out from behind his back. He took the box of and handed to me "I already programmed it. "How do I work it? I asked as I turned it in my hands looking at it carefully. "Get Mingus to teach you-your brother" "ok! thank you dad-I mean norman" I said as I looked down a little embarrassed. "What did you just call me?" he asked as he pulled my chin up to look at him "I'm sorry" I said as I looked down again. Next thing I know he embraces me in a hug "I wanted you to call me that!"he said smiling. I smiled back then he said "come on I'll go introduce you to mingus" he said as he took my hand and walked out of my bed room. He pulled me down the narrow hallway and towards a blue door at the end of the hallway. Norman doesn't even bother with knocking, he just opens the door and walks right into the room. If I could describe the room in two words I would describe it as 'very boyish'. I mean it is a boys room but you know what I mean.
A boy, turns around from his video game and looks at me.
"Hi, I'm Mingus" he says waving a hand.
I don't really respond. I guess I can be shy. So I just wave a hand back.
"Alicia" I whisper.
He smiles and jumps out of the chair. His blonde hair falls perfectly in front of his eyes.
"Well I'm going to order pizza, Mingus why don't you make Alicia feel welcome." Norman says as he leaves out the door,
"Cool dad" is all Mingus says.
I just nod my head. Honestly I didn't know I was shy. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? He is cute. But he is my brother now.
"Anything you like to do?" he asks as he puts the game on pause. "Well, they don't have much to do at a cruel orphanage." I say still kinda quiet looking at the floor. His tan carpet is relaxing to look at. "Well, I got video games" he says bluntly, picking up the controller and tossing it over in his hands. "I-I don't know how to play" I said embarrassed. "I'll teach you. You are my new sister" he chuckles to himself.
I look at the wall and then back to him.
"I don't think I will be a very good student." I say playing with my glove.
"Ok, I will teach you at some point. Just a question but why do you wear those gloves?" He asks tapping his index finger on his right cheek.
I wrap my arms around my chest.
"Uh-uh the gloves are for show I guess, I just like them."
He slowly nods. There is a longing awkward silence between us. Luckily it is cut off by Mingus speaks up. I'm afraid he knows what it is, I mean he is not stupid. "Here I'll teach you real quick now before the pizza gets here ok?" He says. I respond with a simply yes and sit on the floor. He looks down at me and gives me a strange look. "You can sit here." He says chuckling patting the spot next to him on his bed.
He picked up the controller on the ground and went over every single button and nob on that thing. To be honest I didn't really pick any of it up. "Here" he says. I take it out of his hands. We play 'call of duty' as he calls it. I just press random buttons. I probably look like a freak. I accidentally shoot and kill Mingus. "dude" he whines and through a his controller back onto the flirt in a pile of mess. "I'm sorry" I laugh. "No it's ok" he says reassuring me that I didn't mean anything much and that it was just a game

"Kids! pizzas here!!!!" Norman nods

"Come on, follow me" Mingus says getting up and leaving his room.
I smile and head down the stairs following Mingus. I sit at the table and stare at the pizza. "You eat it" Mingus laughs, mouth full of this juicy 'pizza'. "y-yeah" I laugh and take a tiny bite. "Mmmhhmm" I say and take another, larger, bite. " Norman and Mingus laugh hard before taking another piece. "Chandler, my cast member, is coming over tonight to meet you. He is your age" Norman says. "Cool" I say more interested in by the pizza then anything else
After we finish we sit on the couch and pick out something to watch. Before they could choose a boy, dark brown longer hair and perfect sparkly blue eyes, burst through the door. "Hey" he says and gives Mingus and Norman some kind of 'hand shake' then stops at me. "Ah, you must be Alicia" he says smiling.

Hello!! How are you liking the story so far? We have been working on ideas and concepts for a while now. And thank you for all the feedback! I mean all the reads and the votes! You guys are amazing! Now watch magic unfold. Hah I just had to say that. But seriously you are going to love the twists and turns throughout the next four maybe six chapters. - Hannah - Christine

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