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I wake up, on a bed. I'm guessing it's my bed because what other bed would I be on? The last thing I remember was chandler shouting and then running. Why? I have a pounding head ache and my stomach is just not on my side. I roll over onto my side and throw up in a bucket beside my bed. I'm guessing I've thrown up before since it is there. Am I sick? Ugh, that is probably the worst possible thing right now. I look down at my arms and see that my bandages have been changed. I'm hoping it was Chandler who changed them considering if Norman found out i would be in so much trouble. I look around the room. All lights are off, curtains closed and the door to my room is closed as well. I groan at the pain in my stomach and the throbbing in my head. There must be some damn Advil around here somewhere. My arms are weak but they are still good enough to support me. Slowly, making sure I don't collapse from weakness and exhaustion, I push myself up and swing my legs over so that I am sitting, feet dangling on the floor. My head feels dizzy yet again and I throw up in the bucket. I try to get myself up and off he bed but end up collapsing on the ground instead with a large thud. A moment later the door to my bedroom swings open and Mingus runs to my aide. He pulls me up so that I am sitting, leaning up against my bed.
"Alicia! You have to stay I'm bed! Your sick and you were dehydrated! When was the last time you drank water?!" His voice is urgent and he seems so concerned. I want to giggle or something but I know now is most defiantly not the time.
"Umm I think about two weeks ago... Maybe longer. I mean I've had some milk here or some Joyce there..." I try to give him the best answer I have knowing that it was a horrible one.
"Two weeks, Alicia! You should be drinking water every day! Here let's get you back in bed." He sighs and looks toward the door than back at me.
"Dad!" He calls. "Alicia's awake!"
In an instant, as if Normans dad reflexes kicked in, he was up the stairs and by my side with Chandler hot on his heels. He instantly jumps into a series of questions. Asking if I'm alright. If anything bad happened when he wasn't by my side. I honestly didn't care about the questions I just wanted a Advil. I cut Norman off mid sentence.
"I'm fine, Norman, really, I am. Can someone just get me a damn Advil please!"
Mingus shoot up and bolts to the bath room. Norman looks at me and then picks me up, carefully placing me back on the bed. Mingus comes back with a Advil and a glass of water in hand. I down them instantly. Chandler moves toward me and pushes my shoulders down so that I am lying on my bed.
"You need to rest now, you have been through a lot." He says with a smile.

I nod my head in pure obidiance. I mean, I can't just say no to him. I just cant take in the fact that i am sick, I just can't. I can already fell my stomach avhe go away and my head ache clear up. I close my eyes and hear Norman, Chandler, and Mingus, file out the door into the hall way. They start talking, I know cause i can hear them, speaking behind the confinds of my bedroom door. A few minutes pass bye and i hear Norman scream. 

"WHAT!" i swear you could hear his scream if you wer in new Asia. I look over to my clock and see that it reads 2:26 AM. Yup he probably just woke up everyone in the neighbourhood. A second later he comes running into my room. 

"You hadn't drank any water in wo weeks!" He exlaims, obviously mad.

'Y-yeah. You see, at the orphanage we only get water when we do something good. the last time i got water was when i didn't even have a chance at getting adopted, the water i got was in a small plastic cup." A tear rolls down my cheek. "Other than that we get warm or sour milk. I don't mind the taste anymore considering ive had it so much.'

With that i let the tears falls down my face. The truth that my time at the orphanage was horrible hurt. I always thought they treated us like regular kids get treated. I guess i was wrong. Norman leaves the room in pure, hot rage, with mingus following behind him. He is probably going to go call the orphanage. Chandler sits on the edge of the bed and wraps his arms around me. That is how we stay until i fall asleep.

Hey guys! i wanted you guys to know that Hannah and i are both very extremely busy with school and such. when school gets out we hopefully be posting more often. And i just want you guys to know that when we describe cutting in the story, i, Christine, know it first hand. Anyway please dont forget to vote, comment and follow, thanks! -Christine -Hannah

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