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Alicia's POV

I sit, curled up in the grasp of chandler, on Sam's couch. Both boys have video game controllers in hands and are playing some type of odd game on the TV. They shared random comments about the game but never really paid much attention to the fact the I am still there. I honestly do not mind. I am just happy that I have found some place safe. To think, all my life I grew up in that orphanage and now I am here, with a family, a brother and a dad and to think, I have friends. That's a first. All I have ever wanted was friends but I was never allowed out of the orphanage. I am so happy to be here right now.

The boys are still engrossed in the game. Chandler and Sam are both so very sweet.

"Dude, you cover get my back, I'll attack the right" Chandler shouted to sam, so he could hear him thru the massively large head phone things. I got scared, and my instinct was to whip around to the right. Nope. Nothing, it was just the game.

I laughed it off, but some how in earth, they heard it thru the headphones!

"What's so funny?" Sam paused the game, and turned around and wiggled his eye brows making a funny, childish face. These are the things I missed when I was locked in the orphanage.

I laughed some more then said, "your face!" and he made an even funnier face, and by that time I was laughing even harder know, and I truly didn't think that was possible!

They went back to the game, giving me time to think.

Could I possibly have feelings for both Sam and Chandler?

No I couldn't possibly. I mean chandler is cute and sweet and all, but I feel like I can just trust him. And Sam, well I honestly just met and I know nothing about him. They are both very sweet though. I shift uncomfortably and chandler pauses the game and looks at me.

"You okay?" He asks, looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I'm just hungry and tired" I say rubbing my eyes. I sound like a little kid.

Chandler gets up from the couch, leaving me to fall into the spot he was just sitting in. He puts one of his arms under my arm and across my back. He puts the other arm under my legs.

"We are gonna go home now, Sam, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Chandler says.

Sam just nods as chandler and I walk out of the house.

I am now shaking. I think my skin is pale but I can't really tell considering my vision is blurry.

"crap, crap, crap! Alicia your burning up!"

I feel droplets of water fall on my bare skin. It must be raining. That's when I feel a sensation in my throat. I am super thirsty.

"C-c- water." I try to say his name but I can't, so I say what I need.

"Water! No! Alicia your dehydrated! Just- just hang in there!"

He starts to run. Then I black out.

Hey you guys like this chapter!? We are so sorry we haven't updated, both of us have been very busy. Just thankyou all for all the reads and votes it honestly means a lot to us! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! - Christine🔥 -Hannah 💕

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