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This field, it used to be alive with action, and, if you squint your eyes tight enough it still is.
If you look hard enough you'll see a team of children painted in the deepest shade of blue and chidlren wearing light from the sun itself;
If you look hard enough, you can see the smallest one swing his bat and hit the ball;
If you keep watching, you'll see it graze the glove of the ocean, and you can see the sunlight cheer as they realize they've won.
You can see so much if you just look, but the problem is that your mind is too clouded and it scares the sun; The sun won't come out until it is clear again, and with it hides the water, trembling in the very back of your head.
Please, my dear, give life to this field again, and bring back that same smile that shone when the sunlight had won the game.

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