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Sometimes I wish I knew you and that I could recall your smile. Sometimes I stay up late with puffy eyes and my mask down wishing you were there to hug me. Sometimes I wish I could run down my street and kiss you under the blanket of stars and sometimes I dream about the way your voice will sound when join into the chorus of our favorite song by the fire.
Sometimes I storm off waiting for your string arms to yank me back into reality, but you never even touch me. That's when things start to fade because you haven't met me and I haven't met you. For all I know you never smile and can't comfort me. For all I know you live millions of miles away with shaking arms and a broken heart, and for all I know you'll never meet me and you'll never rescue me from my hell because that isn't your job, is it; I'm supposed to be the one dragging myself out of these torture chambers, aren't I?
Not you.
Whoever you are.
If you'll ever even know me.

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