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Arianna's P.O.V

All good things most come to an end. I knew this wouldn't last long to be peaceful caleb and away from his crazy family that is trying to destroy me. 

''We have to go back home.'' Caleb said to with a sad expression on his face. I really didn't want to go back there its just too much 

''Why can't we stay here please.'' I said pleadying to him when he started packing our things in a suit case 

''Baby I know you don't want to go back but that's our home my pack is there and my family.'' He said to her moving even faster to pack there stuff. He just had a conversion with his father and he knew thy had to leave now 

''Caleb please we can start something new her.'' I said to him with tears coming to my eyes, I knew if we go back there would a lot of drama. 

''Arianna get it together we have to leave and that finally.'' He half shouted at her leaving her making her quiet and just watch him packing everyting 

''Ok the private jet is ready lets go'' He said walking out the house in a rush. Everything was so perfect now its all crashing down. 

''Arianna lets go and stop being so dramatic.'' Caleb said to me breaking me out of my daze of us being her in peace and being in love. I walked out of the house leaving the best moments of my live now I'm walking in the worst time of my life. 

''Look baby everything is going to be fine don't worry I'll protect you from anything.'' If it was in any other moment I would've believed him but I just can't believe.

I looked out the window of he jet and didn't say anything to him.It was like this the whole time on the plane I didn't want to say anything to him cause I knew if I say something he wouldn't listen to me so why try. When we got off the jet their was a car waiting for us with the beta of the back as the driver. I knew when I saw him that something bad was going to happen. 

''Baby look at me.'' Caleb said turning my face from the window it was my only distraction from not looking at him. I turn to him and looked at his deep blue eyes that can bring a girl to there knees.I try to turn back to the window but he held my face directly to his. 

''I love you and I'm sorry ok.'' He said to looking into my eyes like hes searching for my soul to reconnect with it. 

''I love you too.'' I said back then he kissed me hard on my lips with such passion that had my heart beating so hard that it felt lie it was going to burst out of my chest. I stop it before it went too far. 

''Stop worrying baby everything will be ok trust me.'' He said with small smile on his face like hes trying convince me and himself. I dread the moment when th car reach the mansion oh god here we go. The fist thing I say when I got out of the car was Caleb's parents and the whole pack. At that moment I knew everything won't be ok. 

I know its been a while sorry guys but hope you like. 

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