Rumors and Spies

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•°3rd Person POV°•

In the distance, autumn colours (Yellow, orange and red) swirled immensely across the dim, cyan sky and the radiant, dandelion sun was dragged underneath. Puffy white clouds hovered above the Teiko Middle School building; creating dark shades on the blank walls. Students were chatting while exiting the school grounds, as well as Kuroko, Kise and Aomine.

"Come on Kurokocchi!" Whined the energetic blond as he glomped Kuroko harshly. His response was a painful smack from a navy haired male next to them,
"You're suffocating Tetsu, Kise!" Kise rubbed his head and started to cry even more.
"Waa! So mean Aominecchi! I just wanted to stay in Kurokocchi's home!" The tealnette, who was released from Kise's clutches, apologized to the wailing blond.
"Sumimasen Kise-kun, but Akashi-kun asked first and I accepted the request." He then walked out of the Teiko's gates, with one last sentence.

"Sayonara Aomine-kun, Kise-kun."

As the phantom blurred out of their sight, Aomine peered around if anyone would suspect him then ushered Kise to follow the middle schooler. Although the blond accompanied Aomine, he didn't quite understand why he even had to. "Aominecchi where are we going?" He bluntly asked, they stopped by the smooth, gray pavement along with tall, bright streetlights. A wide, slightly-crowded road headed straight and different houses stood behind the pavement -hugging eachother closely- and a few, huge fences pierced to the ground. Aomine sighed as he pointed towards an apartment house further down the road,
"This is where Tetsu lives, we're going to find out what Akashi is planning on him."
"W-what?! Aominecchi..." Alerted Kise, "Akashicchi wouldn't do anything to Kurokocchi, he cares about him too!"

The taller male blinked at the small foward,
"Haven't you heard Kise?"
"Huh? What?"
"That... The rumors..."
"What rumors?!" Kise crossed his arms, slowly running out of patience.
"That... People said that Akashi and Tetsu are dating." Jealously strucked against Kise feeling like the background was shattering to itty bitty pieces. Kise always admires and loves Kuroko; last week, he confessed his soft feelings for the tealnette, but was rejected apologetically, for he admitted that he loves someone else. After the confession, Kise cried tearfully onto his pillow until he fell asleep, curiosity asking who was that person his Kurokocchi likes. Now, he found out that Kuroko Tetsuya's true love was Akashi Seijuro, but Kise dosen't want to hurt Akashi at all, yet he still wants Kuroko all for himself.

Aomine on the other hand, secretly has deep feelings for Kuroko (even though he was thought to take intrest in women with large boobs) he never told anyone about it because he dosen't want to be addressed as a 'gay' person. Aomine was indeed envious when he first heard the rumors, even some of the girls shipped them and went off fangirling over their 'AkaKuro' community.

Just the thought of them together makes them both sick, Aomine continued to trudge further to Kuroko's apartment, with Kise right beside him - repeating the same actions.

As they dragged themsleves towards the apartment home, the two was able to recieve a clear view of the scene.

It was a 4 storey building. The thick, immaculate white walls surrounded each transparent, glass windows. In each row, follows a plain, black door -which has the numbers 1-4 painted on the corners above- and a silver key locket; two boys were standing in front of door 3. the duo wore the Teiko Middle School uniform as they both had similar hairstyles, the taller figure (Akashi) had blood red eyes and flaming red hair while the other (Kuroko) had light blue hair and ceurlean eyes. "Shhhh! Let's go closer. Carefully." Hissed Aomine, Kise nodded whilst they approached with caution. Akashi and Kuroko's coversation can be heard in the distance.

•°Kuroko Tetsuya's POV°•

"I've been waiting for you, Tetsuya." Akashi stated, I pulled out a soft, gentle smile.
"I was catching up with Kise-kun and Aomine-kun, Sei- Akashi-kun."
"Call me Seijuro."
"S-Seijuro-kun.. Sorry.." I turned the apartment key onto the lock, scanned around the outside. The street was isolated, no one was seen in he-
"Huh?" I gazed upon a bushy, green hedge beside the building; there were two people with sandy blond hair and deep blue hair. They look familar...Wait- is that...
Aomine-kun and Kise-kun?! What the hell are they doing here?!
"It's nothing," I held the door open for Akashi, "Please, make yourself at home, I just need to do something quick." The redhead silently stepped in.

Taking my chances, I advanced towards Aomine and Kise. Fortunately they both did'nt notice my presence yet, I raised my voice as I spoke to them.

"What are you doing here? Kise-kun? Aomine-kun?"

Three... Their backs shivered rapidly...Two... They gawked above in unison, staring at me...One...


"I repeat, what are you doing here?" I repeated sternly. Why are they so nosy at times? It's around 5:45pm and they were following me? They are too unpredictable sometimes...

"Me and Kise were just passing thorugh the street, you see... We uh... Moved homes last week!" Aomine lied. Such a terrible lie...

"Then how come I never see you both here since last week?" I deadpanned, "Care to tell me why you guys are spying on us?"

"S-Sorry K-K-Kurokocchi! Blame Aominecchi!! He forced me to come with him!!" Kise waved his arms shakily at me, I still kept my usual monotone expression. However, i'm seriously annoyed with their stupid behaviour.
"That dosen't make an excuse Kise-kun," I began "Would you please stop poking your noses in me and Seijur- Akashi-kun's business." and so, I left and lightly slammed the apartment door closed behind me.

They should have known that Seijuro-kun and me are together...

•°3rd Person POV°•

Kuroko's apartment looked kinda luxurious, the living room was very well furnished with a 32 inch TV screen; two velvet couches; a plain, blue mat and a small wooden table decorated with a few thick books - the kitchen was in the room next door to the living room. It has spiral steps which leads to Kuroko's bedroom.

His bedroom was almost covered in pure, bright white. Leaned on the wall right in the middle, was a comfy, white bed, beside it was a short bedstand and a lustrous wooden bookshelf. The carpet was splashed with a cream colour as the wall was left out blank, the windows was protected with swaying curtains. A few photo frames hung up on the wall, mostly of baby Kuroko or his family in general.

The place was decent for an average teenager.


Thank you for reading!

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