Five Days of Misery

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•°Akashi Seijuro's POV°•
31 days later
January 20th XXXX

It's been exactly a month after Tetsuya's dissappearance, he was never found since December 20th last year; Tetsuya was last seen in Meiko with Reiji Mochida, however according to him, Tetsuya left Meiko safely from his view. Although Reiji Mochida was a suspect, he was claimed innocent from the surveillance cameras around the school building outside.

Another suspect was me, Akashi Seijuro, why do they think it was me? I was the last person (apart from Reiji) to have spoken to Tetsuya, his dissappearance was under investigation so I had my phone taken out by them. They searched through my conversations between us and discovered we were in a realationship; I was still kept on the suspect list for now.

The rest of the Generation of Miracles was also thought to be involved in this mess, since Tetsuya apparently had a bitter friendship with all of them, by Tetsuya's letter to us that they've found. Kise Ryouta was sobbing loudly whilst Tetsuya's letter was read out to us, Aomine Daiki never uttered a word after that day, Midorima Shintaro seemed normal although he was dying inside, Murasakibara Atsushi gave up munching on his sugary sweets to this day.

I can't really tell my emotions, it was like I can't feel anything. Like my emotions was comsumed by my regrets. Tetsuya was missing in my birthday, this was my birthday present from him? He should've chosen a different gift for me instead of his dissappearance magic trick.

If only I was a better boyfriend, an actual loving one than an abusive one.

•°Kise Ryouta's POV°•
32 days later
January 21st XXXX

32 days had passed since Kurokocchi's disappearance, I terribly missed Kurokocchi so much! He didn't have to disappear like this, all of us were mean to him but I didn't really meant what I said! I was one of the suspects but I knew I didn't do anything to Kurokocchi. The investigators, who were cloaked in dull black clothing, informed us -and Kagamicchi- how Kurokocchi disappeared, along with a disturbing video.

"Kuroko Tetsuya might have committed suicide by the bridge near his home, there was a river below the bridge so he could have been pulled through by the river. He probably just moved somewhere in Japan or far away from Japan, however, Kuroko's presence cannot be identified in any parts of Japan."

"But Kurokocchi has a weak presence right Akashicchi?"

"Ryouta not now, not when he is speaking"

"May I continue? Despite all of this, numerous of evidence has been proven that he was kidnapped, from all the haunting threats we've been received by an unknown person, holding Kuroko hostage. But we're not 100% sure if he was. We don't know if this is relevant but whilst we were searching Kuroko's apartment, a blood-stained knife was laying down on the desk next to his letter. A little scan showed his fingerprints and blood on the knife, he was cutting himself. Of course, we all know the reason why he was doing this..."

". . ."

"Excuse me but sorry for interrupting you sir, but may we at least hear these threats?"

"Very well Midorima Shintaro, you all may listen to the threats, however, you might end up disturbed or disgusted."

"Ryouta, can you handle this?"

"Do I really have a choice?"

"*Distorted noises* Should I introduce myself first? Heh, if I tell you my real name, i'll surely be hunted down by those Generation of Miracles especially Akashi Seijuro. Well then, how about I give you some clues? My first name starts with Sh and you Teiko bastards had done something bad to me which really upsets me. Why am I even talking to you? I have Kuroko Tetsuya right before my very hands, held captive here. Don't worry, he's unharmed well not for now! *Distorted noises* "


The voice sounded rough and raspy as an unrevealed face nearly covered the screen. It hurted me watching to this sick person.

Please Kurokochchi be safe...

•°Aomine Daiki's POV°•
33 days later
January 22nd XXXX

33 days already, when will Tetsu finally come back? I still can't bring myself to believe that he was kidnapped, no, he will be sure to escape from their evil clutches. The threat was fake was it? It should be... It's all my fault, I was an asshole to him Aomine Daiki.

Skipping practice every day as Tetsu would plead me to go and it hurted him without me.

I will never play basketball the same as before, when Tetsu was with me. He was the one who led me on to my favorite sport, but now... I'll never witness his face again...

Tetsu please forgive me, if you can...

•°Murasakibara Atsushi°•
34 days later
January 23rd XXXX

Kuro-chin wouldn't come back, I can't hope anymore. I lost my appetite for delicious sweets; Kuro-chin must have felt depressed after I admitted all of those words to him. I was a monster.

Enough to trigger Akashi into unlocking his emperor eye.

Kuro-chin stay strong...

•°Midorima Shintaro's POV°•
35 days later
January 24th XXXX

Oha Asa told me that Cancer's horoscope will have a joyful and lucky day, Oha Asa was incorrect for once. I can't concentrate when Kuroko's gone. Oha Asa also told that Aquarius' horoscope will have a great day with his friends acknowledging their existence, Oha Asa was still incorrect. We broke Kuroko and never acknoledged him.

We all wished for him to return, wherever he is, whatever the situation.

Kuroko stay determined, even if we're not around...

•°??? POV°•
34 days before
December 21st XXXX

After that day, my whole vision swormed with darkness. My mind went blank. My body heated up intensely.

I woke up with a rough, cold sensation surrounding me; a grunting voice calling out to me. It yelled my name, Kuroko Tetsuya, his voice was vaguely familar, yet I didn't reply to him. I can barely see anything but the dim, flashing light above me. I can barely move my body at all when the tight, vicious ropes tied my wrists and ankles. I can barely speak when a mysetrious, scratchy cloth held my mouth.

I heard footsteps inching towards me.

I finally glanced up.

Shocked by the face I saw in front of me

"I won't hurt you, Tetsuya."


Thank you for reading!

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