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When Luke moved into his new mansion, at the age of 19, he found a girl.

A dead girl.

"My name is Caroline." She curtsied.

"Luke." He bowed, uncertain of what to feel. "How are thy here?" He asked.

"17 years ago I was born in this house." She held her hands in front of her, her body and dress transparent and no color to her at all. "17 years later I died. I killed thyself. I cannot leave."

Luke stood in shock. "Why did thy kill yourself?"

"I had sex with the man I loved. I was pregnant. Nobody wanted me anymore. The baby was born, and I took thy life" Caroline explained nonchalantly. She curtsied once again. "I shall welcome your stay."

Months later, the two had fallen in love. But Luke's friends, Michael and Calum, did not approve of spirits and witch craft.

"She's good!" Luke tried to convince his friends as they found her grave, it already dug up. The grave laid behind the house.

"This isn't the way to live, Luke!" Michael angrily shouted, as he salted and burned the body.

"Caroline!" Luke screamed, running back into the house.

He ran upstairs to where she had stayed. "Luke." She whispered, as she withered away.

"She's gone." Calum finalized behind Luke.

"How dare you!" Luke angrily yelled at his friends, leading them to the edge of the staircase and pushed them down. They broke their necks and died.

In a state of depression and the town wanting him on the steak, Luke took his own life and killed himself.

The house was bought right after his death. A baby was born in that house.

Her name was Caroline.

The spirits of Luke, Michael, and Calum stayed as well.

As Caroline grew to the age of 17, Luke and Caroline fell in love again. But they had to be let go. She found their graves behind the house and salted and burned them. Out of depression she stabbed herself in the heart. Her family was too heartbroken to stay.

A new family moved into the household. A baby was born in that house.

His name was Luke.

He grew up with friends Michael and Calum and Luke fell in love with a girl who killed herself. Caroline.

When Luke grew to the age of 19, Michael and Calum salted and burned her bones behind the house. Luke stabbed them both and then stabbed himself.

The cycle continued for 180 more years.

Until it broke.



The cycle was strange. Sometimes the baby wasn't born in the house yet the family found themselves moving in anyways. At the end of the 6th cycle, no one has lived in that house until Luke turned 18 and decided to find a house of his own.

Luke walked into his new house, in Sydney, Australia.The house was in his family for decades. He decided to live in it now that he was old enough.

He walked upstairs and saw that there was only two bedrooms. He didn't mind, he was living alone anyways. He decided to live in a small room closest to the stairs.

Putting his boxes down around the house, not even waiting for friends Michael and Calum to help him move in, he decided to get comfortable in his room.

"Luke." He heard a female voice speak from behind him. When he turned around there was no one there. "Luke." The voice spoke more clearly and when he turned around and saw a girl standing there.

She had long hair and with a white headband in and was wearing a short sleeveless dress and white flats. He actually couldn't tell what color anything was because she was transparent and only appeared black, white, and grey.

"What the fuck!" Luke screamed, jumping and running away.

"Luke, wait!" The ghost screamed. Luke began running down the stairs to leave the house but she appeared at the end of the stairs.

He continued to scream and went to run back up but she was up there again. "Luke, please hear me out!" She cried.

"Who are you!" Luke screamed, rummaging through boxes in order to find something to throw at Caroline.

"That won't work, Luke." She signed, as the pillows he threw at her flew right through her.

"How do you know who I am!" He fell to the ground and began to cry.

"It's going to be the end of the 6th cycle. I've loved you for 198 years now, Luke. I've been waiting for you." She smiled. Luke found her smile to be beautiful. "Just please, keep Michael and Calum away from here. Away from me."

"But, why?" Luke stuttered, confused by what she had said.

"Please." She whispered. Luke just nodded.

Caroline explained the cycle's to Luke. Everytime the cycle continued, whoever was dead at the time had to remind the living of the cycles.

No matter what, they always loved each other.

"I love you, Luke. I can't lose you again." Caroline cried.

"Luke! We're here!" Calum suddenly shouted, zooming through the door.

"Who's that?" Michael came in behind him, pointing at Caroline.

"Shit." Caroline muttered and she began to cry again. "I love you." She gave Luke a weak smiled and disappeared.

Michael and Calum stood there in shock. "What the hell." Was all they could say.



"Luke! Don't let them kill me! Not again!" Caroline screamed at the top of her lungs. "It's the cycle! I can't do it!"

"I love you, Caroline." Luke began to cry.

"I love you-" And she disappeared in flames.

Luke fell to his knees in tears.

"It's the cycle Luke. We couldn't stop ourselves." Calum ran in, seeing Luke crying.

"You don't try hard enough! It's been 199 years, and you still don't fucking get it!" Luke screamed.

"Maybe we can break it!" Michael snapped.

"She's already gone." Luke muttered crossing his arms in anger. "She's already gone." He cried quietly.

"All we have to do is make sure we don't die. Then, maybe it will break and she'll come back!" Michael exclaimed.

"This house is a death trap Michael." Calum sighed.

"We can baby proof it!" Michael suggested.

The boys shrugged and listened.

It took them a week to baby proof the place. "This is the longest we've been alive!" Michael cheered.

"Hell ye-" Calum went to celebrate and high five Michael, when they both collapsed on the ground with bullet wounds in their head.

There was a drive by. Luke sighed as a gun appeared in his hand. "Well fu-" he pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger. He collapsed dead next to his best friends, pouring blood.


Months later, a newly wed couple moved into the house. The wife was pregnant.

"Here we go again." Luke crossed his arms, disappointingly. He was tired. He just wanted to hug and kiss her but he never could.

The Caroline Cycle :; Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now