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Caroline was depressed. She had no one, only Ashton. Hannah would try to smile at her when she walked past her in the hallways but Caroline ignored her and turned up her music.

She became a giant fan of Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Asking Alexandria, Blink-182, Nirvana, and more. She used to be one for Justin Bieber and One Direction.

Caroline didn't speak to Luke, Michael, or Calum anymore. She always ignored them. Sometimes she'd have dreams though. In actuality, they were memories.


"Caroline Violet Jackson! You get back here!" Luke laughed, looking for his ghostly mistress.

"Better catch me!" Caroline laughed.

"It's not fair, you're a literal ghost." Luke crossed his arms.

Caroline sighed. "You're no fun."

"You're the one who can cheat unintentionally."

"Yeah, but it'd be unintentional." Caroline winked.

"You suck." Luke laughed.

"I wish." Caroline winked again and exaggerated the action.

"You are," Luke wanted to say disgusting but the thought turned him on. "I'm not finishing that sentence."

"You're handsome." Caroline chuckled.

"You're beautiful." Luke smiled.

"I love you." Caroline blushed.

"I love you too." Luke looked into Caroline's eyes and wished he could kiss her at that moment.

"Wait," Luke snapped out of his stare into her transparent eyes. "Why were we chasing each other?"

"Whoever lost had to go convince the neighbor lady to bake us some pie."

"Wait," Luke took to realization that only he can hear and see her. She smirked and knew he just remembered. "You little bitch."

"You love me."

"Unfortunately." He sighed, smiling at her. Caroline just laughed.


Caroline jolted up in a cold sweat. She felt like she knew it was real. Like that had really happened. But she couldn't believe herself. She was dreaming of him.

Caroline quickly went to her side and opened her drawer with her pills in it. She quickly went to open it and dump some into her hands when the bottle flew across the room.

"What the fu-"

"Don't swear, Caro." Luke strictly said. Caroline stayed silent.

"Why did you do that?" She cleanched her jaw.

"To help you." Luke simply replied.

"Why are you haunting my dreams?" Caroline tried not to tell.

Luke stared at her curiously. "Was I in your dream?" He asked.

"Yes. And," Caroline stuttered. "And we loved each other. Except you were alive and I was dead."

Luke weakly smiled. "You're remembering." He said. "That was real. It was in the past, it's part of the cycle-"

"Shut the fuck up with that stupid cycle shit." Caroline snapped. "I'm a crazy. I need help. Now get the fuck away from me so I can sleep in my own goddamn bed everynight and not in an insane asylum." Caroline finalized, covering herself in her blankets again and forced herself to fall back asleep.

The Caroline Cycle :; Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now