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It was Caroline's birthday.

It was time.

As soon as she blew out her birthday candles everything would change.

Everything would change.

"Caroline," Luke woke her up from her beauty sleep. She woke up with a smile on her face.

"Yes, Luke?"

"Before you blow out your candles, please remember me." Luke wanted to cry but wasn't capable of the action. "I'm begging you."

"Why wouldn't I?" Caroline asked curiously, worry in her tone.

"Just please. When you choose Ashton," Luke breathed heavily, wanting to cry when nothing would escape. "remember me."

"I love you so goddamn much, Caro."


"Pay attention, I hope that you listen cause' I let my guard down. Right now, i'm completely defensless."

"Luke, that's One Direction." Caroline chuckled, wanting to cry from the words when her heart flustered.

"For your eyes only, I show you my heart. For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only." Luke sang- he hasn't sang to her in years- as a golden locker appeared in front of Caroline. It was in the shape of a heart.

When Caroline opened the locket it was a worn out picture of Luke. Little did she know, it was a picture of him from over 200 years ago.

On the other side of the heart was her. Little did she know it was a picture of her from over 200 years ago.

"I don't understand-" Caroline began to speak when she was interrupted with Luke leaving and a doorbell ringing.

Caroline quickly put on the necklace and hid it underneath her shirt. She didn't want to take it off until she understood.

Caroline got up, in her cupcake pajama pants and a plain grey two-sizes-too-big shirt, she put on her grey bunny slippers and quickly went down the stairs to the front door. Ashton stood in front of the door with flowers in his hand.

"Aw, Ash!" Caroline blushed and engulfed Ashton in a tight bear hug.

"Happy birthday baby." Ashton spoke into her neck.

Caroline felt strange when he said that though. Like she didn't want him to say it, but she wanted Luke to. She was worried about him. Almost like she had to choose between Ashton and Luke. And the thought she hated having was the want to choose Luke.

Caroline had the want for Luke and she didn't know why. She wanted to hold him, she wanted touch him, she wanted to see him. She wanted to love him.

She felt all of those emotions just from the touch of Ashton on her birthday.

Hannah showed up behind Ashton. "Hannah!" Caroline quickly let go of Ashton to rush to Hannah.

"Your hair?" Caroline took in the new bubblegum pink hair that stood in front of her.

"My mom hates me!" Hannah smiled widely and bubbled.

"I love you." Caroline giggled and hugged her best friend once again.

"I love you too." Hannah giggled back.

Caroline didn't invite anyone over besides Ashton and Hannah for her birthday. She didn't want nobody to show up, again. All she needed was Ashton and Hannah anyways.

The Caroline Cycle :; Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now