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Caroline smiled with tears in her eyes. "I love you too. I fucking need you too but I need you to be free and happy and away from my psychotic daughter." Caroline chuckled. "Even if it means being unhappy for the rest of my last life."

Luke stood there in awe and his heart ached. "I love you."

"I love you too." Caroline cried as she got up and ran out of her house.

Caroline knew exactly where to go. Not long far from the back yard of her house stood the graves of Michael, Calum, and her beloved Luke.

"But, I need to tell Hannah how I feel." Michael panicked. He bit his lip in confusion. "Wait." He thought.

Soon, Caroline's old alphabet blocks from when she was younger appeared. Taking the blocks he made them say "I love you, Hannah".

Hannah gaped at the sight. "I don't know where you are Michael, but I love you too." She cried. "I'll miss you so much." She fell to her knees. Ashton sat next to her and patted her back.

"It'll be okay, I promise." Ashton's eyes watered.

Caroline ran and ran, her eyesight blurred from the tears in her eyes. The forest was still green but seemed so much duller than any other day. Her cries echoed throughout the forest. She knew she would never see Luke again.

As soon as she found their grave stones she closed her eyes shut very tightly. When she opened them again the graves were dug down and opened to reveal their bones. Caroline cried and cried and cried. She took her hand underneath her mouth and blew over the graves of Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, and Luke Hemmings. Before she knew it their bones were on flames. She fell to her knees and cried harder than she had ever cried before.

Luke, Michael, and Calum all knew that it had been done as they began to glow a bright orange. "Goodbye." Ashton nodded.

"I can see it." Hannah gawked at the sight of the transparent boys burning in front of her. "I love you, Michael." Hannah spoke slowly.

"I love you too, Hannah." Were the last words Michael spoke that Hannah couldn't even hear before the flames engulfed him and he disappeared along with his best friends of over 200 years, Calum and Luke.

"Is he gone?" Hannah's tear filled eyes turned to Ashton. Ashton just nodded and stayed silent. Hannah just continued to cry silently.

"He said he loved you too." Ashton smile at her.

Hannah smiled back. "Thank you."

Ashton patted her back and thought. "How can you love a man you've never seen?"

Hannah shrugged and smiled. "I didn't care about how he looked. He made me feel like a princess. That's what I love. Not his looks. Him."

Caroline ran back into her room. "He's gone, isn't he?" Tears ran down her face. Hannah and Ashton just silently nodded their heads.

"No!" A screamed boomed from the house as the books on top of Helena flew in the air and hit the three. "He can't be gone! Mom, what have you done!" Helena screamed, throwing Caroline out of the room with her magic.

"You're supposed to love my father and let me love Luke!" Helena shouted, opening the upstairs attic door. She threw Caroline up the stairs into the attic. Helena followed and shut the attic door behind them. Hannah and Ashton couldn't follow.

Caroline's lip began to bleed and her head pounded. She couldn't stop this though. She had already killed herself in so many ways, she had felt worse pain than that.

The Caroline Cycle :; Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now