Rise of the Elements

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"Thor, you say?" Kylie asked, double checking. "Yes, I am Thor. I have come here to ask you and your sister to follow me to your base. You will meet four others just like you, you both of you are the last I must take with me." Thor replied. Kennedy walked up and stood next to Kylie. "And tell us, why should we even trust you?" Thor held up his hammer, and showed them the exact design they have on their bangles. "We share the exact logos, is that enough for you? I'll explain more on our way to the base." His voice was calm and deep, and he seemed to always have a smile on his face. His blue eyes seemed to always glisten in the rays of the sun. The two siblings looked at each other, then back at Thor. "Yes, we will come." Kylie said. She seemed a bit nervous, but did this anyways. "Good, now follow me." Thor walked off the porch, and got into a black car with a strange bird logo on it. The driver was wearing all black, and he had an eye-patch on one of his eyes. He also looked African American, too. The sisters got into the back, while Thor got into the front seat. They all buckled themselves in, and the explaining began. "My name is Nick Fury. I run something called S.H.I.E.L.D. Have you ever heard of the Avengers?" Fury asked them. "Nope." Kylie simply said without hesitation. "Well, we protect the world. We are agents, and Thor here is one of them. But he isn't from around here either." Fury then let Thor explain the bangles, and why they were coming with these two complete strangers to them. "So, your bangles have the same logo as my hammer, as you already know. Since I come from a planet named Asgard, my father Odin actually gave you them. Yes, it may seem impossible, but it happened. He believed this special group was worthy enough to stop Loki. Oh, and Loki is my evil brother." Kylie's eyes grew in surprise. "No!" She shouted. "He's adopted, we thought he was able to bring peace, but we were wrong." Thor added. Kennedy covered her sister's mouth so she could have a chance to speak. "Now explain why we were actually brought here when the Avengers could save the world." "We tried, but they were defeated. We found out they were too weak to destroy Loki and his army, so we had to go with plan B. You are the next generation of the Avengers, but this time, elements. You and your gang will help the Avengers." explained Fury.

             They drove up to a dark building, with many large windows seated together. It looked like any other normal building, and Kylie assumed it was because they didn't want to become exposed. The two men stepped out, and opened the car doors for both the girls. They stepped out, and started to walk up to the building's doors. "Here, you will meet the rest of your group, and you will also meet our Avengers. Our Avengers will mentor one of you, and will teach you a lot of skills." Fury told them. "Here, we mean business, so you better work hard." Fury warned. Thor opened the doors, and let the three go in first. He followed in from behind them. Fury led them silently to an elevator, and pushed a button. Kylie looked at the control panel to see what floor they were going to. The top floor, Kylie said inside her own head. There were at least 20 floors inside this whole darn building, which was way to much for her. Moments after, the little bing, signaled that they were finally at the top floor. The elevator seemed to just move up and down so quickly that you don't even realize your already at your destination.

               When the four went to a door, Fury knocked. Kylie and Kennedy were very anxious and nervous, they could throw up right about now. The first person to answer the door was a woman with curly, shoulder-length red hair. She was dressed in black leather which looked tight on her. The room size was pretty large as Kylie looked in. She spotted a whole group, and wondered which four people were just like them. "So you brought the last two?" The woman asked Fury. She looked very fierce, and you couldn't even read her facial expression. "Yes, I did, Natasha." Fury replied. "Took you long enough, now come in." Natasha ordered, making way for the group. He led them in, and everyone was chatting not even noticing their arrival. Natasha went over and sat next to a man with blonde hair. "Sit down," ordered Fury, pointing to two empty seats. Kylie and Kennedy nodded, and walked over and sat down. The tall, leather black chairs were very comfy. When the whole group saw them sit, they stopped their talking and gave the two their attention. Natasha was the first to speak. Fury gave her a nod to start speaking before hand. "So you guys know why you are here, correct?" she asked strictly. "Yes." Kennedy was the first to reply. "Names?" "Kennedy," Kennedy said. Kylie looked up when it was her turn to speak, but spoke shyly. "Kylie." "Very well, we look forwards to working with you. Mine's Natasha Romanoff, and it's a pleasure to meet you both." she didn't have a smile on her face, and looked over at the blonde head next to her, and he began to talk. "It's a pleasure to meet you two as well. I am Steve Rodgers, and the others are Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and as you probably already know, Thor." Steve pointed out, going around halfway the table. "The other four are Chloe, Jay, Marcus, and Adam. They will be fighting with you two. They have the exact bangles as you, and as Thor told me, the gems are color coded to explain which ability is which." added Steve. Thor then spoke afterwards, saying, "You, Kylie, have the ability of water and ice. Your sister has fire. Chloe has earth and nature, Jay has air, speed, and telekineses. Marcus has electricity, which does include lightning and thunder. Keep in mind I am the god of Thunder," Thor didn't seem pleased about it. "Oh, and Adam has darkness, light, and blending in with his surroundings."

            After Kylie and her sister went through a series of questions, it was time to decide the mentors for them. Kylie was told she was the leader of her group, and Kennedy was her deputy. After the mentors were decided, Thor promised he would show them their armor and give them their official superhero names. Kylie's new gang were sitting alone while the Avengers were outside, speaking to Fury. "I never wanted to even come here! I never signed up for this crap!" complained Chloe, grabbing the attention of Kylie. In her own mind, she knew she was going to be a pain to handle. But she seemed so savage which could be a good thing, too. "It was Odin's choice, so Thor and his father cannot help you now. We were chosen to do this mission; to save the world, Chloe." Adam said. "Well when they come back, tell Thor to go back to his planet and assign this bangle to someone else!" Before Adam could respond to her complaining, Chloe quickly turned around with her arms folded. Her long blonde hair hit Jay's head, but he didn't say a single word to her. A door opened, and Fury let his agents flow inside the room. "The decision has been made," he announced. "Jay, your mentor will be Clint. Adam, yours is Dr. Banner. Kennedy is with Natasha, Chloe is with Steve. Marcus is with Tony. Finally, Kylie, you will be with Thor." Kylie seemed happy with her new mentor, since she will need to know everything about Loki, and how to even use her powers with proper care. The Avengers came over to their newly assigned apprentices, and shook their hands. Afterwards, Thor asked the apprentices to follow him.

        Hanging up on the wall were glass cases. Inside of each one was a different thing of armor. The soft light made it clear for them to see, and Kylie tried to guess which one was hers. "This is the armor for each of you. Again, color coded due to your power. The blue one belongs to Kylie, the red one belongs to Kennedy, and the green one belongs to Chloe," Thor looked at the girls to see if they approved the choices. Kylie looked very pleased, and the smile on her face began to grow. "Kylie, you will be known has Frost, in honor of your icy and chilling power. We were originally going to go with Hydro, but Frost seemed to fit you better." Thor smiled at her. "Kennedy, you will be known as Flare, since you wield the power of fire. Chloe, yours will be Clover, since you always turn out so lucky with things," Again, he smiled at each of them. "For the boys, the black and gray one belongs to Jay. The purple one belongs to Marcus, and the black one belongs to Adam." Marcus looked at his and cringed, but knew he would soon get used to it. "Jay, you will be known as Dash, since you are quick and sly with many things. Marcus, you will be known as Spark due to the fact you have the electricity ability. Be sure to spark up your enemies. Adam, you will be known as Darklight, since you seem to blend in with the light and the dark." Thor smiled once more, and walked over to the armor. He pressed a red button and entered a code, which opened the glass cases. Thor took them out and handed them over to the six. "Now put them on and see how they look. Changing rooms are over there, and after that, I'll show you to the others."
            Clapping filled the air when they walked in. Tony stopped clapping to give them a flirty whistle, and Steve nudged him to cut it out. "Now, since you guys are dressed, follow me. We are moving into the air." Fury stated. "What do you mean?" asked Jay which was confused. "We are going onto S.H.I.E.L.D's helicarrier. Training starts up there, and we are going to track Loki down."

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