Knock Knock, Open Up

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Many people have started to search for the junk drive Kylie had taken with her. Some people were attempting to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D's computers while others were designing devices to wipe out the drive's memory so there would be no use of it. More people were being ordered to patrol the base more often just in case something did happen, like a surprise attack. Kylie had volunteered to help out with the patrolling and maybe help out with the hackers. It was pitch black outside, and would say it was about midnight. She wanted to rest, but knew this was more important. Since she was at the entrance one of the guards approached her. She had never met this guy and was wondering what he had to say to her. "Are you, Kylie?" The man asked. He was wearing a dark uniform with navy and black. In his hands was a rifle aiming downwards at the ground. Kylie hated interacting with people she had just met. "Of course I am." Kylie stammered. The guy seemed very happy, but very evil indeed. "It's an honor to finally meet you, Kylie. I've heard that you've lost the spare key to this place, correct?" He asked, glaring at her. "Yeah, that's why I'm out here so late. Since this was my fault, I'm required to help and fix everything." The man sighed, and there was a long pause before he spoke again. He put his hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly. He seemed to be way to close to her, and was now staring into her eyes creepily. This made her feel very uncomfortable. "Just don't make another mistake again. Understood?" The man's voice was deep and demonic now sending a chill down her back. Kylie nodded without saying anything and he backed off. The guard went back to his spot and didn't bother to look back at her. Kylie chose to move away from the entrance due to the fact he started to creep her out. If he does that again I swear on my life I will freeze him and kill him, she thought, trotting away from the entrance. I've been out here for long enough, I should get some sleep now.
             A loud buzzing sound engulfed her room. It was the alarm for them to wake up and get to work. Kylie slowly woke up therefore she hated rising in the morning. Every morning they had to wake up at 6:30 AM to start working again. There were no windows in her small room so it was dark. The only way it wouldn't be dark if she got up and turned on the lights in the room. Kylie reached over to her side and pulled the cord on the small old lamp. The light flickered on, lighting up the room a bit. It was enough for her to see where she was walking in the dark room. The room was cold like always, but it didn't bother her once she slipped back on her bangle which was resting on the small dresser. She hobbled over the the light switched and flipped it on. Now the room was fully lit. Kylie hobbled back over to her dresser, and slipped into her armor, which was bulletproof; except for her dark gray boots. Kylie walked over to the metal door, and opened it up. When she looked left and right, the hallway was empty. She assumed she was the last one to wake up like always. Today was going to be a normal day hopefully.
The drive was being wiped out. On the screen the bar was filling up quite fast. Kylie and two other people were working together to wipe out it's memory. It said it was now 99% done, but then an error happened. The screen went blue when Kylie tried to click 'okay'. Many errors started to pop up on the screen, than a video popped up. In the corner of the screen said that this video was live. The video was completely back, and a voice came through. It was the voice of a woman, but the audio was distorted. "Fetch Loki, right now," she began. "I must speak with him in private. If you decline my request, I swear I will murder you all one by one." the woman threatened. One of the guys signaled Kylie to go fetch him. Kylie nodded, and ran out of the room.
          She got down on both knees bowing to him. Loki was sitting upon his throne with his weapon in one hand. "Loki, my king. Somebody wants to speak with you in private now." Loki glared down at her; gripping his weapon tightly. "What for?" Loki questioned. Kylie looked up to look him in the eyes. "I don't know." she confessed. Loki stood up off his throne. "Very well. Lead the way." he said while walking over to her. Kylie turned the opposing direction and walked out of the room with Loki following behind her.
Loki made sure all the doors were closed and that everyone was out of earshot. He sat down in the chair and faced the computer screen. "Well if it isn't the god of Mischief," The woman taunted. "I need to speak with you now." Loki chuckled before replying to her. "What for?" Loki asked. She made the audio clear, and then exposed her face. It was Kennedy; Kylie's younger sister. "Release Kylie, or be destroyed. If you refuse, we will come to find you. I found the drive laying on the ground, so I brought it in to Fury. We have discovered where you are located, Loki." Her eyes blazed with anger, ready to tear him to shreds. Loki chuckled again and shook his head. "No, I'm not letting your sister go." Loki responded without hesitation. "Very well, expect an attack very soon." Before he could respond, Kennedy cut the live stream. Loki knew what he had to do; prepare for the attack. Loki raced out of the room and went to go make an announcement.
            Kylie sat on the stairs to Loki's throne. Loki ordered her to guard him; along with another guard. He sat upon his throne looking burly as ever. Moments later, an explosion went off. Faint yelling echoed over into the throne room followed by the sound of clacking boots. Gunshots started to fire from overhead making dust fall from the ceiling. The three looked up, watching particles of dust and rebel fall from Loki's ceiling. She took a deep breath, and turned to face her king. Loki stood up grabbing his weapon, locking his eyes on something in front of him. This alerted her. Kylie spun around to see the wooden doors fly open seeing a whole group. The lifeless bodies of the two guards that guarded the door were dead. They lie on the floor behind the enemy. Standing in front of the three was Kennedy. Kennedy was glaring at Loki, ready to attack. She whispered something to Adam's ear. Adam nodded and went over to the doorway of the throne room just to hold off Loki's army attempting to kill them. Kylie looked at them and immediately stood up. She went to stand in front of them while guarding her king at the same time. "Well, look who we have here. Wanna die?" Kylie asked them. Kennedy looked her in the eyes. "But your our leader, Kylie. You can't kill us." Kennedy stated. "You fools," Kylie began, placing her hands behind her back. "I'm not your leader, he is. Now kneel, or be destroyed." Kennedy stepped back and refused. "Never!" "Then so be it." Kylie looked at Loki, signaling him to attack. He was already one step ahead of her. Loki jumped into the air gliding over to Kennedy. Jay quickly used his telekineses to throw him back against a wall. Kennedy created a blazing ball of fire in the palm of her hands and aimed, ready to finish Loki off. It blazed like a wild fire through the air. Kylie ran over to save him and blasted it with water to put it out. Behind her, Loki reached for a lever and pulled it down. A low growling sound interrupted every single person. From the wall next to the entrance shattered into pieces and out came a large beast. Loki's other guard got trampled and squashed beneath him. The huge beast seemed to be under Loki's command, therefore it's eyes were glazed with blue. The Elements froze in their tracks. Loki stood over by Kylie's side and chuckled. "Say hello to this Jotunheim Beast," Loki started with a big smile. "It's under every single command of mine." Marcus looked at Loki with a questioning look. "Any questions? No? Alright then!" With a move of his hand, he signaled the beast to attack. "Attack them!" Everyone including Adam moved out of the way as it crashed outside. Now that it gave them a distraction, Loki could make his quick getaway with Kylie whom he had captured. He asked her to follow him and she obeyed. They ran straight for the entrance but was stopped when a gust of wind tossed them backwards. Marcus and Kennedy were working together to burn up the Jotunheim beast. It let out a loud wailing sound. Soon Loki's massive army came swarming inside the room starting to attack. Kylie watched as the monster withered away just like that and suddenly gone. The room went dark and everyone stopped moving in fear of killing one another. A large beam of light blasted at the army destroying them all. Nothing of them was left when the lights turned back on. Adam was the one to create this move. Loki and Kylie were in shock, and began to run for it. Jay ran after them and swooped them up with his telekinesis. He threw them harshly against a wall back first, knocking Kylie out. Kennedy ran over and snatched Kylie by the arm. Adam came over to help carry her back to the quinjet. This time they ran for it, leaving Loki behind. He lie on the ground unmoving. His eyes were open and he was alive, but in pain. Loki's captured Element was now taken from him. Once the controlled was knocked out, the gem stopped working on them. This is the start of Loki's fall.

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