Welcome, Kylie

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Kylie woke up in an unfamiliar place. Everything seemed very different to her. She tried to move, but her hands were tied down on the bed. Kylie saw someone sitting at the foot of the bed. When her eyes finally adjusted, she squinted. He was looking right at her, seeming to smile. "Loki?" she asked. "Yes, its me," Loki started. "Your safe now. They aren't trying to kill you anymore." The straps on her wrist flew open, and she was able to sit upwards. "I remember now. Now tell me, who tried to kill me with that blast?" she asked urgently. "Thor, he tried to kill you with a bolt of lightning. But I was able to stop him before you died a terrible death." Loki replied with a frown. "Thank you, Loki." Kylie thanked him. This was only the start of Kylie being brainwashed by Loki. He came to Los Angeles for that one gem in the museum just to brainwash his enemies, but he knew Kylie was the one he wanted most in his army. This god of Mischief and Lies did seem to fancy her, and somehow knew she was perfect for his army. He was plotting to use her to destroy the Avengers and their next generation; the Elements. "What's your name again? I have forgotten once more." he asked her. "My name is Kylie, as you already know. Those Avengers and Elements also called me Frost." she explained. Loki smiled, and chuckled a bit. This plan of his was going well so far, and he knew it would soon be even better. "Come on now, lets go tell the others your okay. They'll be happy to know we saved you from them." Urged on Loki, signaling her to follow him. Loki led her into a dimly lit hallway, which led into an opening. In the middle was a large hole with the floor below. They were standing on a ledge, with a metal fence that kept them from falling. Loki spoke into a microphone, summoning his whole army down below. They were all underground, which was the base. Loki said how Kylie was finally safe and awake, and that he would teach her everything he knew since he had chosen to mentor her.
It had now been two days after being abducted by Loki. She looked in the mirror to find her eyes an icy blue. They were not a dark brown anymore, as they used to be. Kylie thought she had these eyes her whole life even though she hadn't. "Ready to start your training?" Loki asked, standing right behind her. "Of course I am. I want to be able to destroy them, and make them die the most painful death ever. They will regret everything they have tried to do. Loki, you deserve to rule the world, and show everyone how great of a king you will make." Her voice was intimidating to the point she was about to growl her own words. Loki would rule the world, and everyone would kneel. Loki smirked happily.
Using her foot to kick him backwards, Loki tried to dodge it, but failed. He fell backwards hitting the wall. The god started to applause her slowly. "Well done, you have just defeated a god. I must say, your pretty good at fighting." he complimented. Kylie nodded her thanks towards him. She put her hands behind her back and bowed to him. Loki stood up, towering over the powerful mortal. "That's enough training for one day. I think you already fine at this, but we are going to attack the Avengers, and I want you to come and help me destroy them." Loki said while grabbing his weapon that was leaning against the wall. He then signaled her to follow him to a series of stairs. Together, they ran up those stairs to the same area from last time, where he would order an attack on the Avengers and the Elements. It was time to finish them off so Loki could finally become a king.
Jets were flying at a high speed in the air. Loki and Kylie were in one of those jets. Kylie opened up a door, seeing the massive helicarrier below. Signaling Loki to come over with his weapon, he would use his sword and blast out one of the engines. Once broken, his army would swarm inside and attack. The god came over near her, grabbing the wall so he wouldn't fall over and die. He aimed at the front engine, and using a beam of fire, made an explosion. Fire and ash swarmed in the air, and particles of the helicarrier began to fall off. Kylie grabbed a parachute, and was about to jump on board. "Wait," Loki said, stopping her. "When your ready to be picked up, press this red button." he handed her a small white remote, with a red button right in the middle. "Will do." then she looked down, and jumped. Loki watched her dive down from above, and closed the doors and sat back in his seat. Kylie was diving straight down, going towards the broken engine. She would go inside the helicarrier from there, and hopefully eliminate some people. Pulling the string on her parachute, the parachute came out and slowly brought her to the edge of it. Kylie grabbed onto the edge of a metal pipe and climbed up it. When she finally managed to get to the top, she stood on the ledge. Kylie looked down seeing many clouds and a blue sky. She spun around and quietly walked inside. Looking inside was a dark hallway without that many lights. Kylie took off the parachute, and started to loom down the dark hallway. Kylie looked over the ledge, finding out that she was pretty high up. She had to find a way to get into the rooms, and start killing and taking everyone out. It was clear that nobody was here so she started to run. Her footsteps were kind of loud, but that didn't bother her. If she came across anyone, they'll be dead in a heartbeat. As she glared in front of her, she though she saw a movement. She froze in her tracks, getting ready to use one of her attacks. Alas, Kylie was right. But there were two people instead. It was Tony and Jay, running down. When they laid their eyes on Kylie they were in shock. "Kylie?" Tony called out. "Your okay!" Kylie sat there, grinning. Her blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark. "What's with the eyes?" asked Jay. "What's that? You want to die? Alright, death shall come to you." Kylie walked forwards with her hands still behind her back. Using her eyes and mouth, Kylie started to shoot beams of ice. Jay was quick at dodging it, and zoomed behind her. Tony was now realizing she was an enemy, and before her beams hit him he blasted her backwards. Tony accidentally knocked Jay off his feet too, flying back in the same direction as her. Jay grunted out loud, but quickly wrapped his arms around her neck. "Tony, go fix the engine! I'll handle her!" Jay yelled. Tony nodded, and flew outside. Kylie did a high-pitched screech while making her hands super cold. Kylie grabbed his hands tightly commencing to freeze his hands. Jay pulled away and used his wind power to blow her away against the wall. Kylie flew backwards, hitting the wall. She started to fall down but quickly grabbed onto the fence. Kylie was dangling from the ledge but had caught herself. Using her strength to pull herself up, Jay had raced after Tony to help him. "Mortals," she hissed under her breath. After getting back up she ran back to stop Jay and Tony. But it was too late, the engine was back up. Kylie turned back and went the opposing direction real fast. Since they were going to come back she made the ground very slippery with ice.
Kylie needed to get off the helicarrier. Sadly she hadn't killed anyone yet, but also knew she had get out of here before she was tracked down and captured again. One of her plans was to kill somebody important on board and maybe steal some important information. Thankfully she had stolen a junk drive earlier for this mission. Kylie was in the main area where they all were sticking their faces in the computer screen. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to strike due to the fact she could be overpowered in just a few seconds. I probably shouldn't anyways. I'll just find my way outta here. Kylie thought to herself. Since she was high up in a corner hiding herself from everyone, it would be easy for her to escape. All she had to do was get outside and signal her pals that she was ready to go.
Finding her way outside, she pulled out the little remote Loki had given her. She was crouching behind one of the large jets. But when she look over to her right, she saw Kennedy looking over at her. She was approaching fast. "Kylie!" She hollered. Kylie stood up, and walked out into the open. "I was so worried about you! Where-" Kylie was already running at her, making her assume she was happy to see her. But when she reached her, Kylie threw repetitive punches at her head, making her trip backwards and fall. Kennedy start to bleed from her nose, completely confused of what just happened. "Any last words?" Kylie asked, growing a shard of ice in the palm of her hand. Kennedy's eyes filled with tears, realizing she had turned against her. "I love you," she murmured. That didn't stop her from not killing her. Kylie walked forwards, but was stopped when a vine wrapped around her waist and pulled her backwards on the hard concrete.

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