The Memory

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It all happened at Loki's throne. The two sat alone on the stairs together. The place was lit up with many lights, and the red carpet lined with gold seemed to glow. They had just gotten back from visiting Asgard and Jotunheimr. Kylie only remembered visiting Jotunhemir, and vaguely remembered her visit to Asgard. All of this suddenly hit her like a truck coming from nowhere. But when they were sitting in the throne room together, Kylie seemed to remember their conversation.
"So, you say your like me in many ways." Loki spoke in his calm voice. He was showing his good side to her. This doesn't happen quite often when Loki speaks to someone. Was it true he actually cared about her? "Yeah. When I was in school, I always seemed to be the third wheel. I hated this so much that I seemed to just loose my mind. Some people would try and use me for something I'm not. I was treated like a puppet. It made me feel like nobody cared. I've been bullied, and through the years I'm slowly being torn apart. It makes me to be who I am today, a sensitive person thats hurt over the smallest things in life." Kylie replied, finally letting everything out once and for all. When she turned to face Loki, he was listening to every single word she had spoken. His emerald eyes glimmered in the light like a fire. "What about family?" Loki asked her. She seemed to be just like him in some way, which made him know he wasn't alone after all. "Well, my younger sister always got all the attention. You know, getting everything she wanted while I sat in a dark corner. I watched, but never got any of the attention I deserved. If I tried to be with someone, she'd always steal my moment away from me. It's like if she had all the power, including power over me. I never seemed to be appreciated, even for who I am as a person. I felt meaningless," Kylie was choked-up in her words, like if she was living her darkest moments again. "So I turned against my sister, and decided to get revenge. This is why I am here now." she broke eye contact and looked at the ground. Loki looked away for a moment. "I understand what you mean." His voice was softer when he spoke. Now with her side of the story, Loki understood all the pain she had to go through. Now he felt sorry for controlling her. Was he just making things worse for her? Surely he couldn't bear to see her like this. Kylie slowly turned around to face him. He leaned forwards and kissed her on the head softly then backed up. She blushed and smiled the slightest bit. "We will make them pay, I'll promise you that, darling. I promise that soon we will rule Earth together. I'll be king, and you'll be my queen," he started, his voice sharping up. "Kylie, we're heading to Washington, DC. Our army will strike there, and wipe everybody out. Since I heard the United States was the most powerful country, we will start from there and soon take over the planet and the nine realms. Everyone will kneel before us, and I shall be called a king."
She was staring at Thor on accident, whom was trying to get her attention. Thor took his glass and smashed it onto the ground, startling her. She jumped and looked him in the eyes. "So I've finally gotten your attention, lady Kylie." Thor said in a booming voice. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something." she apologized, looking away embarrassed. "Hey Fury, can you please come over here for a second?" Kylie called out. Fury turned to look at her and walked over to her. "I remembered another thing about Loki," said Kylie. Fury gave her all his attention with everyone else was listening. "Loki's planning to attack Washington, DC. He says that the USA is the most powerful country in this world. Once he succeeds, he said he was going to start taking over the world from there," Before Fury could respond to her, Kylie shouted, "Folks, we're heading to Washington, DC!"

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