The Last Battle Begins

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It was the afternoon. Kylie knew they had to get to the capital fast. She was told she wasn't allowed to come due to her injured back. But that didn't stop her from coming. She had snuck onto one of the Quinjets just to come and help beat their enemy. Kylie was hiding behind a few wooden crates. She was well hidden that nobody could find her unless somebody was looking for something important. Maybe even herself for all she knew. Her mind was racing rapidly with many thoughts. She knew what she was putting herself into. The only reason she came here was to help her whole team and maybe even be able to stop Loki. If he did love her, maybe words were strong enough to stop him. Soon the Quinjet leaned to one side, causing everything to move around. A box fell down missing Kylie by an inch. Thank God it didn't crush her into a flat pancake. Moments later the jet crashed onto the ground somewhat gently. The back doors opened up and showed the outside. There was fire outside and screaming with the sound of gunshots. Natasha and Kylie's gang flooded outside and ran out. Now was the perfect time to surprise them. Kylie got up and dashed out. The first person to notice was Natasha, aiming a gun at her. She put it down in a heartbeat. "Kylie?" "Yes, I came!" Kylie said happily. "You were ordered to stay at the Helicarrier. Were you not?" Natasha spat in frustration. Kylie glanced side to side then looked back at her. "Too late now. Lets go." Before she could reply Kylie was already running off. There were tanks firing, soldiers shooting, and bombs being tossed. The capital was already on fire, covering part of the structure in ash. Kennedy ran up next to her sister whom was staring at the capital. "Loki has to already be in there working his way to the president. If we make it there in time we could be able to save our president," Kylie said turning around to face her deputy. Behind them was her gang with Natasha all the way in the back. Natasha's eyes were glaring at Kylie still mad by the fact that she disobeyed orders and snuck over here. "I want Marcus and Jay to stay with Natasha. Go find the others if you must. Adam and Kennedy are coming with me to get Loki. If any of you three find Thor, please ask him to come find us and help us find his brother." Kylie ordered. Natasha rolled her eyes then set foot in the other direction with Jay and Marcus behind her. Kylie looked at the two and signaled them to follow her. Now they were on their way to defeat Loki.
        Many jets flew overhead shooting explosive bullets. Over on one side was a massive portal opening. Out came five massive Jotunheim Beasts. They had the same blue eyes as before and dashed forwards in opposite directions. They let out a loud snarl and one beast laid its eyes on Kylie and her two members. "Run!" Adam shouted running in the direction of the capital. Kylie and her deputy raced after him with the beast following behind them. This dogged beast kept sprinting towards them. It was surely obvious they couldn't outrun it! "We can't outrun it! We have to fight!" said Kennedy starting to slow down. The beast slowed down and came to a halt. Its low growl shook the earth beneath them. With a snap of the deputy's fingers, fire began to blaze wildly underneath it. The flames grew larger and taller by the second that it had to burn the beast. It yowled loudly, and leaped towards them with its front legs outstretched. It was now falling onto them. Kylie's first instinct was to use the same tactic that she used to kill Chloe; instead much larger than before. It had to be enough to slow its fall and kill it at the same time. Kylie used her ability to create ice in front of them. It was covered in icy, long thorns. It stabbed the beast slowing its fall but was still falling onto them. Next she used a hydro blast to blast it backwards. Her plan worked magnificently. She easily killed the beast just like that. Adam was shielding himself with his arms. Kennedy was lying on the ground breathing heavily. "You did it!" stammered Kennedy. Kylie nodded while lending her sister a hand. "Now lets get going." Kylie pulled her up off the ground and sprinted off. Adam and Kennedy exchanged a glance then raced after their leader.
             They finally made it to the president's room. The doors were shut and Loki's soldiers were guarding the door. Adam looked around the corner and signaled them to stay put. He jumped out and using his darkness power, he sent a gust of dark wind towards them. The two were charging after him but turned black as night. They began to wither away silently and their bodies turned to dust. Adam knew if he used a beam of light it would be too loud. Adam signaled them to come out and stand at the doors. Kennedy tried to open up the doors just to find them locked. She pressed her hands against the two doors and burned them away with the heat of her hands. Kennedy pressed through the doors and let the fire burn the doors away silently. When they looked inside, dead bodies were scattered across the floor. They must've been trying to get the president out but failed when Loki came. The scene horrified them. There stood Loki about ready to strike his weapon down onto the president. "Any last words?" Loki hissed. The president looked him in the eyes. "Burn in Hell, you monster!" he said. He braced himself for death blow but was quickly stopped when Kylie rammed into the god. He fell over but whipped around to face Kylie. Kennedy raced over to help the president. She told him to take cover in the corner of the room and to not move from that spot. To Loki's surprise was Kylie. He stood up and walked over in front of her about two meters away. "Loki, you don't have to do this." spoke Kylie. Loki smirked and chuckled. "I do what I want, Frost." Loki said. "You really think you can rule this world? Think again for one second. Nobody would want a heartless king like you! Nobody would even want to take orders from you. You say you are burdened with glorious purpose when you are really burdened with death. I remember you saying that we, together will slay our enemies. You were wrong, but instead used me as another puppet of yours and made me have no purpose but to be under your rule. You made me murder Chloe and nearly make me slay my own sister alive! Just because of my past doesn't give you the right to control me. Loki, you disgust me. I'm pretty sure somebody would never do that to somebody they love," Kylie choked on her words at the end. Right now she was raging but feeling her own pain again too. Loki looked down at the floor, dropping his weapon. "I-I'm sorry. But it's too late to stop this madness I've created. Look outside, I've created war." He walked over and pulled away a curtain to reveal the war going on outside.  "We can stop it, I'll promise you that." Kylie promised. Then he disappeared just to appear behind her. He pushed her to the floor and made a duplicate of himself so he could step on both of her wrists. "You really think you can make me go soft just like that? Your just a gullible mortal trying to save the world from what you think is a king burdened with a deadly purpose. So many I'll just have to finish you off. No, I'll turn you into my puppet again!" hissed Loki, putting more pressure on her wrists. Tears began to form in her eyes. Kylie tried to struggle free from his grip but instead had more pressure be put on her wrists. Kennedy leaped over at him. Loki was aware of that and made her pass through him. He let Kylie go and pushed Kennedy against a wall. Taking his sword he attempted to stab her. Kennedy was able to free herself from his grip and drop down on the ground to dodge the weapon. Loki kicked her full force in the gut. Adam was the last man standing right about now. So it was up to him to save them. Adam had himself blast Loki against a wall at full speed. Loki grunted and fell onto the floor leaving a dent in the wall. But then he was gone just like that. Loki appeared behind Adam and tapped him on the shoulder. Adam spun around to face Loki. "Adam, no!" yelled Kylie. But it was too late. To Adam's surprise was Loki stabbing Adam in the gut with his sword.

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