Chapter 37

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I was still smiling to myself when Jeff's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Harry?"

There were too many sets of eyes on me when I looked up, focusing again on where I was, and what we were doing—my phone still in hand.

"What do you think, man?" Jeff asked, giving me a very serious look. Like he knew I hadn't been listening.

I couldn't find it in me to care at the moment.

"You cool with taking some time away to hit up the label while you're in New York?" he asked this time, clearly doing his best to clue me in as to what was being said.

It still took me a beat too long to process. "Yeah," I said to that group of suits. "Yeah, that's fine."

A great big whoosh of breath escaped as Jeffrey nodded, and I took it as the okay to look down at my phone again. To my texts with Madelyn.

"On average a human will spend up to 2 weeks kissing in his/her lifetime" <— feel like we can beat this, she'd said.

A Snapple fact. She hadn't sent me one in a while. And it had made me smile immediately upon reading it.

You're on, I'd replied. Not long now until we can get to work ;)

Well, I'd hardly call it "work," but to each their own ;)

That was when Jeff had distracted me. But now, as the meeting ended and I tapped out another message, I was excited and smiling all over again.

Only two more days, my girl. Then, rest assured, it'll be your full-time job. x

"Do me a favor," Jeff's voice said as we walked out into the Los Angeles sunshine mere minutes later, when I was still lost in thoughts of seeing her again, kissing her, touching every single inch of her...

"Maybe tune in for like, 20 minutes of the 30 minute meeting next time, alright? Ten minutes just doesn't seem like enough," he said, sliding his sunglasses down over his eyes.

I squinted against the sunlight, waiting for the vibration in my hand that would signal her response.

"Sorry," I muttered, dragging my hand through my hair and realizing I'd left my sunglasses tucked into it. "Just a bit distracted."

"No shit, you fucker," Jeff said as we headed for my car. "And because you probably didn't hear more than a few words of that, you owe me a lunch where I can lay out everything that you missed."

I chuckled a little as I rounded the front of my car. "Deal."

My phone buzzed just as I closed the door behind me.


I grinned, too excited all over again. Cross my heart. xx

"Any day now," Jeff muttered, sitting in the passenger seat beside me.

I sighed and set my phone down before putting the key in the ignition. "You're impatient today."

"I haven't been fed," Jeff said as I put the car in park. "And you're annoying."

I chuckled then, but didn't say anything more as I pulled out of our parking spot, opening the windows to allow the breeze to sweep through the car.

Jeff turned on the radio as I drove, and he stayed quiet enough that I was able to return to my thoughts.

It had been entirely too long since I'd spent any real time with Madelyn, and the next two days anticipating seeing her felt even longer because of it. These past four months since the Grammy's, I'd been taking everything I could get, whenever I could get it, even if it interrupted important meetings about the release of the album. Mads and I had both been so busy over the course of our time apart, I'd only been able to make it out to New York once, and only for one night before I headed off to England.

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