Chapter Two

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Draco POV

It's Saturday morning, around six to be precise, when the sound of shuffled movement wakes me up. Confused, I don't move or alert to whoever or whatever is making the noise that I am awake. Imagine my surprise when Harry comes into my line of sight, dressed in muggle clothing and searching through his bag. I had noticed he was a little distant again the past few days, even more so when he returned from his detention with Lockhart. I'm not sure what happened in his detention to cause that, but what the hell is he awake for? I silently watch as he pulls out a piece of blank parchment and grins in satisfaction before pulling on his shoes and silently walks out of our room. I narrow my eyes at the door, waiting for him to come back. However, he doesn't and soon enough I am drifting back to sleep.

Harry POV

During my detention with Lockhart -which was just has horrifying as it was the first time- I decided to go ahead and open the chamber again. I had to figure out when the best time to do it was, and decided on Saturday morning before everyone woke up. Being as quiet as possible so I don't wake Draco up, I make sure to grab the Marauders Map before slipping out of the room and leaving the common room. With the use of the map, it was pretty easy to reach the girls bathroom without incident. Though avoiding Severus was pretty difficult.

Entering the bathroom and stopping in front of the sink, I take a deep breath before whispering .:Open:. And watched the secret passage into the chambers open. Sliding down, I quickly cast a wandless cushioning charm before I reached the bottom.

The place looks exactly as it had the first time I came down here, minus the damage Lockhart had done. Hopefully the damage will be avoided.

I slowly walked down the tunnel, searching for the door that leads into the chamber part. 'I should probably clean up this place. It would look a little better without all the bones and dust, and I'm sure these bones aren't even necessary anymore. The basilisk would have eaten them already if it was going to. There's also the skins it has shed over the years. I wonder if they can be used in potion making? I'll have to ask Severus.' I stopped walking, having reached the entrance to the chamber. Walking in, I gave a small smile. Everything was still as it was in here as well. There's also no sign of the basilisk so it's most likely still asleep in the secret room behind the giant statue of Slytherin. Wandering around the area a little more, I sat down cross legged in the middle of the chamber, facing the statue. 'Should I go ahead and wake it up? What if it ignores me and starts rampaging anyway? I shouldn't take the risk right now. I need to be getting back anyways, so no one realizes I was gone.' With my decision settled on, I stood and brushed the dust off my clothes before heading back to the entrance and transfiguring a rock into a flight of stairs.

It's during breakfast Monday morning that I remember the link between Voldemort and I. But I push it back to a comer in my mind, trying to focus on what Draco is saying.

"-test today. What do you think Harry?" Draco looked over at me, Pansy and Blaise also looking at me. I frowned, not knowing what he just said. 'Damn.'

"I'm sorry, Draco. I didn't hear what you said." Draco just gave a responding grunt and glare, before turning back to his food. Breakfast is spent in silence, as is the walk to our first class.

'Well, I might as well re open the link between Voldemort's mind and mine. Since he isn't here as a teacher, I have less to worry about.' I delve into my mind, not noticing the other three fall back a little behind me as we walked. It was easy enough to locate the small blob of foreign magic, encased in a shield I had put up. I allowed the shield to slowly fall, not expecting the intense wave of emotions and thoughts to overwhelm me. Quickly exiting my mind, I don't notice I was on a flight of steps until Draco stopped me from busting my head open on one.

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