Your dead to me

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Bellamy POV

Why! Why would she agree to something like this?! And then tell them to loock me up in a dungeon.

"Queen Octavia would like to see you" someone said from the door,i still didn't like that,queen Octavia. The person came down to me and i could see it was a girl,i think i have seen her before. "Hello bellamy,remember me?" She asked.

"I can't put my finger on it" i said confused

"Im Ontari,we talked one time when we were in Polis." She explained

"Ooh,right. Why do Octavia want to talk to me?" I ask

"Umm. . .she just wants to. . .talk,yeah just talk!" She said,cought of guard.

"Ook. . ." I said and left following her down a hallway and into a room.

"Hello?" i said when i noticed there were nobody in the room exept me

"Hello,bellamy" someone said coming out of the shadows,Octavia.

"O,i am so sorry!! I love you,and deep down you know it! I'm your brother!" I said begging on my knees for forgiveness

"Of course your sorry,and i know your my brother, Bellamy" she said lovingly but then her face hardened again "that's why your still alive" she spatt harshly

"What does that mean?" I ask,worried.

"It means, Roan wanted to execute you,and to be honest,i kind of wanted it to,but Echo and Ontari talked me out of it,luckily. . .for you,not me" she said like it was the easyest thing in the world to say she wanted to kill me.

"Can you ever forgive me?" I ask pleeding

"Yeah,thats not going to happend that easy" she said harshly

"Pleas O" i pleeded

"Leave us" a male voice said and then he came trough a door.

"Roan"  octavia said greeting him with a nod and a smile.

"Octavia" Roan said with a smile.

"Bellamy!" Echo said from the door "its time to go,i'll leed you to your room" she said,i just nodded,but i didn't move "come on!" She yelled

"Ohh yeah,coming" i said and walked out with Echo

"You ok?" Echo said when we reashed my room

"Yeah" i said with a gost of a smile on my lips.

"Ok,well goodnight!" She said and started to walk away

"Echo?. . .how can i make her forgive me? She HATE'S me!" I asked with tears in my eyes as i sat down on my bed.

"Just give her time,she's still recovering from her lost" she said as she sat down next to me on the bed

"Thanks" i said, we just started talking about everything and nothing, getting to know eachother more

"Well, its time to sleep, goodnight Bellamy" she said getting up, i felt kind of lonely when she wasn't sitting next to me anymore.

"Goodnight Echo" i said with a small smile

Hi everyone!! Another chapter like promised! Next chapter is going to have a little becco (Bellamy and Echo) action! I hope you liked this chapter,i'll write tomorow!!byyee!!😄

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