who's getting married?

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Clarke's POV

Bellamy has been gone for a while, i hope he's ok. I think worried. What if he's dead or worse, what if he's being tortured, what would we do whitout Bell- i suddenli heard horses neighing."OPEN THE GATE!" someone yelled. "Who's there!?" I yell back. "It's Bellamy! Now open the damn gate!" He yells back. . . Bellamy!! "OPEN THE GATE!" I yell exitedly.

Bellamy comes trough but he has another person with him, the person is wearing a hood, who is that?
"Clarke! Its good to see you againg" bellamy says smiling and giving me a little hug. "You too" i say. Somene cleared their throath loudly behind us.

"Oh,yeah. We're here to deliver a message, from king Roan and uhm. . .queen O-octavia" he says, my mouth hung open the moment he said 'queen O-octavia' "q-qu-queen?" I ask shocked.

"Long story" is all he says.

"Well. . .what's the message?" I ask curiously looking up on him. He opened his mouth to speak but got interupted by Monty.

"Bellamy! Your back!" He sais smiling.

"Not for long, unfortunately," he sais sadly "but, ummh,yeah the message, Roans guards have seen skaicru in Azgedas property and if you don't stop going there they will attack" he says blankly.

"First of all, what do you mean by 'not for long' and secondly, we were just looking for you and your sister who was in fact kidnapped! How could we not look for you, even in Azgedas property" i say frustrated.

"I mean that im staying in Azgeda until im sure Roan won't hurt O, their getting married after all, but i just dont trust him. And i appreciate you looking for us but we're fine, we get good food and clothes, and nice rooms with soft beds. I'll come back, i promise" he sais ressuringly.

"Ok" i say in relif.

Jasper's POV

I see Bellamy with clarke and Monty and to walk towards them " bla bla bla their getting married after all, bla bla bla bla bla bla" i hear, i know its bad to eavesdrop, but it sure is fun. "Ok" clarke says.

"Who's getting married!" I ask happily, jumping up behind clarke.

"Omg, you scared me!" Clarke said as she wacked my arm.

"Heyy,that hurt" i say playfully, "but seriously, who's getting married?" I ask again. Clarke and Bellamy look at eatch other then back at me. "Well. . .ummh,its Roan and-" Clarke was cut of by someone screaming behind them.

Bellamy's POV

We hear someone scream behind us so we turn around and see Miller holding Echo down. "Miller, what the hell are you doing!? Stop!" I yell at him and rush over to help Echo up.

"What am i doing!? She's fricking Azgeda! I bet she knows where Octavia is!" He says angrily, glaring at Echo.

"Yeah, she does know, and so do i! O is safe in Azgeda, under Roan's protection in fact!" I yell back at him.

"Hold up! Its Roan and Octavia who's getting married isnt it" Jasper says more as a statement than a question. All i did was nod at him and then look back at Miller. I was about to explain all that had happened but of course i got cut of.

"Roan and Octavia Wedding? Sounds fun, im in!" Murphy says standing next to miller, "when is it?" He asks.

"SHUT UP MURPHY!" We all say at the same time, wow, we're getting good at that.

"Ok ok, i was just asking" he says innocently while holding his hands up in defeat.

I explain all that happend in Azgeda and they took it suprisingly good, exept one little thing. . .their all coming to the wedding, i tried to talk them out of it but that, of course, didn't work. After their horses were ready we were of to Azgeda, me and Echo sheard a glance that said all we needed to say to each other. . . . Roan is gonna be pissed as hell.

Finally!! A new chapter!! I did it, phew! Sooo, did you like it? Im gonna write every weekend, maybe more, MABEY! I hope you liked this chapter, please coment ideas for other chapters and just your opinion on the book👍. BYEE😊

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