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Bellamy's POV

Today is the executon. . .of Zara,the girl who attacked Octavia. When Echo told me there was an execution i though it was me, but im sure mine comes next.

"Hallo! Bellamy!" Echo said,waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What did you say?" I ask.

"I said, are you sure your ok to be alone for a little bit?" She said calm.

"Yeah,sure!" I said with a small smile.

"Ok,but i'll be back soon,bye!" She said and walked out the door smiling.

Echo and i have been spending much time with each other lately, she's my only friend here in Azgeda. Octavia hates me and Ontari always takes her side and of course Roan agrees with O. Their even getting married soon, yes he proposed under a big royal dinner. I absolutely hate it, she's only 19 years old!
I find myself thinking for an hour "Bellamy, its time for the execution" Echo said trough the door, i walk out and see her smiling at me smugly.

"What is it?" I ask suspiciously.

"Oh,nothing. . . exept the fact that your not getting executed anytime soon! I talked to Octavia and Roan and they said your execution is not on their plans anytime soon!" She squiled happily, it made me smile as well. I held my arms out and she jumped into them and hugged me thight, i felt whole when she was in my arms. We pulled away and suddenly i felt a pair of lips on mine, i was shocked at first but then i kissed back. She pulled away with a smile, we started laughing and smiling like idiots. I didnt notice she was still in my arms until someone cleared their throat behind us.

"Hi love birds" Ontari said smirking.

"Ohh, hi ontari!" Echo said embarissed, but happy.

"The execution is about to start, come on! Hurry up!" She said while walking down the hall.

"We dont wanna give octavia a reason to kill you,come on,we're gonna be late!" she said leading me the way still holding my hand.

"WELCOME!WELCOME!" Roan greeted everyone to start the execution. "Today we're all gathered here to watch this traitor have her head cut of!" He said loudly, everyone cheered and klapped.

The girl, Zara, was brought out and laied down on a execution devise. "Lets see the traitor's blood flod out of her neck!" Octavia yelled. Everyone cheered even more.

"3! . . . 2! . . . 1!" Everyone yelled and cheered. The girl's head rolled away from her neck creating a pond of blood.

I looked over at Octavia who was cheering and screaming of happiness.

What has she become? I think.

Sup! Another chapter as promised! Ohhh!! Becho is on! Are you excited  for Octavias and roans wedding? I am at least! I'll write tomorow, bye!😉😁

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