lost my inspiration

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Hi. Sorry that you had to wait so long, but i've totally lost inspiration. I'm just gonna stop writing😦 sorry, but it's not fun writing this book anymore. I'm gonna just tell you the ending.

They got married, first it was just for buisniss, but then they actually fell in love. Octavia made sure Azgeda was on good terms with the other clans and that they were still in Lexa's coulition. Her and Bellamy became friends again and he even got engadged to Echo. Three years later Octavia had a daughter named Bellatrix. (Yes, i am a very big fan of Harry Potter) after manny years, Bellatrix took over as queen, she found herself a king who was actually from skycru, Roan passed away shortly after their marrige in battle. Bellatrix' best friend was Emma, daughter of Emori and Murphy. The ice nation was no longer viewed as bad or evil, but as good and a strong ally in war. Roan surely made the right desicion about Octavia being queen.

The end

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