Chapter Twenty Six.

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June 5, 2016.

6:10 pm.

Matthew: I'm sorry.

11:07 pm.

Matthew: Caleb?

June 6, 2016. 1:30 pm.

Matthew: I'm really sorry, babe. Please talk to me.

June 7, 2016. 10:06 am.

Matthew: I don't understand what I did wrong. I didn't cheat on you. I didn't do anything. At least tell me what the fuck I've done.

June 8, 2016. 8:09 pm.

Matthew: It's been three days, Caleb. Jesus rose from the dead in that much time. When are you planning to end the radio silence?

June 9, 2016.

2:05 pm.

Matthew: I swear to the newly arisen Jesus that I will get a megaphone and stand outside your dorm until either you get the fuck down and exchange words with me or I get arrested.

6:24 pm.

Caleb: What do you want?

Matthew: YOU. Can you stop being a baby and talk like a normal human being? Shout at me if you want to. But for god's sake, stop this...all of this. Let's sort this out like two mature adults.

Caleb: I don't want to hear it. You've already said enough.

Matthew: Sweetheart, you cannot treat our fights like a bad movie where you just switch off, get up and leave. Will you please, please, PLEASE, for the love of God, just tell me what's going on in your mind?

8:49 pm.

Caleb: I know you didn't cheat on me. I don't care that some stupid fuckup asked you out. I'm mad that you were at a position some time when you wanted to take a break from me and you never told me. But somehow, this random hoe knows all about it. Can't you see how betrayed that would make ME feel?

Matthew: If I call, will you pick up?

10:30 pm.

Caleb: Yes.

Yes, I AmWhere stories live. Discover now