Chapter 3

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Over the next week, Nathan and I started spending more time together, and our talks quickly turned into flirtatious comments. All the time, we held hands. In the park, the practice room, my house... Nathan always held my hand. We never saw each other in the hallways at school, which was okay. I welcomed Katie's company between classes, and Nathan's after school. Today, Nathan and I decided to study since we both have big tests coming up, the first real test since school started a couple weeks ago. Mine was in chemistry, and his was calculus. I was no good with math, but I soon learned Nathan was a science whiz. With his help studying, I did better on the test than I could have ever anticipated.

My mom was even proud of me.

To celebrate both of our tests going well, Mom made my favorite meal, and invited Nathan over for dinner and conversation. I haven't seen my mom this animated since before Jennie and Lucas went back to college, I almost forgot that she knew how to hold a real conversation with people other than just short remarks. I know she's tough on me, but I also know that she wants the best for me and loves me all the same.

Dad came home late, and dinner ended up just being Mom, Nathan and me. Dad ended up reheating leftovers and grumbling on his way back to his office, and shortly after, Mom went to bed early, but not before reminding us of her rules. "He's okay to hang out in your room, but remember he's to be out by ten and the door stays open," she smiled, hugging me before closing her door.

Nathan and I settled into my bed again, cuddling like we have been for about a week. We made small talk for a while, but it was comfortable for us. The silence between us was never awkward or tense, and most of the time, it was welcome. I felt myself starting to drift off to sleep when Nathan's voice woke me up. "Hey, you," he whispered in my ear.

"Hmmm?" I smiled up at him. His sleepy, goofy grin was plastered on his face, and I couldn't help but wonder what devilish plan he had now.

"So, I was kind of wondering if you would want to go on a date with me sometime, maybe make this official." Even though he was smiling, I could tell he was nervous. "I kinda like you, you know, and I really want to keep you around."

I wrapped my arms around him tight, smiling, closing my eyes. "Of course. I kind of like you too, and I'm not going anywhere."

"How about we seal this deal with a kiss?" He wriggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh again. "That's what you do, right?"

I giggled, shaking my head. "No way, mister. I don't kiss anyone before the first date. Maybe even the second, but definitely by the end of the third date."

"Wow," he gasped, "I didn't expect that, but if that's what you want, it's definitely what you'll get. I'm happy just being around you."

Sleep soon took me, but not before I heard Nathan humming. I still had not heard him sing, but I've heard him play guitar, and he was a master at his craft for sure. I drifted off to sleep, listening to his heartbeat and his deep voice humming for only me to hear.

The next morning when my alarm sounded, I woke up with my arms still wrapped around Nathan. I shot up and out of bed. "Oh, no no no..." I whispered. "Nathan, hey," I gently shook him awake. His eyes were bloodshot, and soon widened when he realized that he had not only stayed later than he was supposed to, but he had slept over. He jumped out of bed, frantically looking for his shoes and keys, when Mom knocked on the door.

"Hold on a second, Mom!" I called out. I motioned for him to duck into the closet as I went to the door. "Morning, Mom," I smiled nervously.

"Hey sweetie, I made some breakfast for everyone. Tell Nathan to get out of your closet and come downstairs for some eggs and bacon, fresh coffee is brewing now," She smiled at me before turning down the hall. I felt the color drain from my face as Nathan shuffled out of the closet.

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