Chapter 4

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After the last night of fighting, when I left, my parents haven't really fought again. At least, not to my knowledge. Things between them are still strained and awkward, and I can't help but wonder if it's my fault. When I try to talk with Mom about it, she doesn't want to reveal what they're fighting about, but she always reassures me that it isn't about me, or my siblings. Speaking of my siblings, Lucas and Jennie were both due home within the week for Thanksgiving break, and I knew that when they met Nathan, it would be a field day at our house. I've had crushes and held hands with boys, sure, but I've never brought a boy home, and definitely not over the holiday break. To be honest, I'm the first one of the kids to do that. Lucas and Jennie were always too afraid to bring someone home, in case one of our parents scared them off and they were never seen again. Jennie, she's not afraid to live the double life of a brilliant student and the popular party girl, but that's where she draws the line. She refuses to bring any boy back home. Lucas has never really found an interest in anyone else, and has always prioritized his studies over relationships. He had a few friends, but that was it for him.

I've never really been super close to Lucas or Jennie; at most, they've tolerated me. With the age difference, it's made things pretty awkward for us, not to mention our differences in our hobbies. I know that even though I'm not close with my brother or sister, that we have each others' backs.

Jennie is the first to come home, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Naturally, she made a loud, grand entrance during dinner, stomping up the stairs in her black heeled boots, enveloping Mom and Dad in huge hugs as soon as she reached them. She turned to me and pulled me into a quick, soft hug, holding me out at arm's length. "Well, would you look at you! You've turned into quite the heartbreaker in these last few months, baby sis. Now, where is this boyfriend of yours? Mom has told me all about him, and I'm just dying to meet him!"

"Honestly, Jen, I haven't changed," I sighed, "And Nathan is at home, I asked him to stay home for a couple days while you and Lucas get settled in for break."

Jennie laughed, throwing her head back. "Oh, come on now.. I need to meet the guy that has made you so happy! You're practically glowing. Help me bring my stuff upstairs and tell me all about him!"

"Alright, alright," I finally agreed. It was impossible to get your way against Jennie, she always had the upper hand and some trick up her sleeve to ensure she gets her way, every single time. I trudged down the stairs, hauling her giant, Barbie pink duffel bag to her room, just two doors down from mine. I dropped Jennie's bag on her bed as she fluffed her perfectly straight, chocolate brown hair in the mirror. As I turned to make a run for it, she caught me.

"Oh, no you don't," She stopped me, putting her arm in front of the door, motioning for me to stay and chat with her other hand. Rolling my eyes, I relented, leaning against the closet door. "Pop a squat, and tell your favorite big sister about your new guy! I'm serious, I need details, and most of all, I need to know how Momster hasn't scared him away yet."

"First of all, you're my only sister," I huffed, "and second of all, I don't know. Somehow, it's been easier on us since he's come around, minus Dad."

"Well, you are his little girl, so I can understand why he's not a big fan."

"Not to mention the first time he really 'met' Nathan was in my bedroom after I snuck out." By the look on her face, I knew I had said too much. Here goes...

"Oh, my God," Jennie squealed, scrambling to sit next to me. "Shut up, shut up! What even happened? Tell me everything!"

I spilled, and told Jennie about how Nathan and I met, and that he's been allowed to stay the night and come over for dinner and studying daily. Jennie knew I was hiding something, as her eyebrows started to crinkle, I already knew what she was going to ask about that night. "There's something I haven't told you, Jen," I took a deep breath, readying myself to tell her about our parents fighting.

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